In Celebration of the Dairy Food Group we made Ice Cream Ms. Dunn’s Kindergarten Dolphins November 2002
Before we made ice cream, we tore paper to make a page for a class book after the MSU senior teachers read us the book It Looked Like Spilt Milk.
Now it is time to make ice cream.
We put sugar, milk, and vanilla extract in a small plastic bag.
Everyone made their own bag of ice cream.
After we got all of the ingredients in the bag we sealed it and put the partners bags in a large bag which held ice and salt.
We wrapped the bag in a towel, because it got really cold, and started shaking the towel with the ingredients inside.
We took turns with our partner shaking and shaking until it froze.
Then we got to eat our bag of ice cream. Our MSU teachers also got a chance to make ice cream to eat.