Ms. J DeRose
Course Description Hands on Production Based Creative Innovation New Skills
State Core Objectives Making- projects, skills, art elements and design principals Contextualizing- Art history, Personal Experience, After High School… Expressing- Creativity, Content Perceiving-Critical Eye
Grading Critiques: Individual and Group 70% projects, glaze crits 10% daily participation, tardies, absences, and cleaning credit 20% Sketchbooks, bell quizes, tests, and points received for the attendance of demonstrations Extra Credit: catagorized with the written category and worth 50 points each
Grading Rubric 20 points10 points0 points Planning3 thumbnail sketches and other reference images One or two thumbnails Little to no pre- planning CreativityExpands upon demonstrated techniques but uses ideas that reflect the artists own vision No unique vision perhaps borrowing ideas or imagery from a clear source Nothing original while manipulating the problem Craftsmanship and Design Well Crafted and manipulates the design elements successfully Work designed but poor craftsmanship Little to no design and unacceptable construction ProductivityUse time fully to create work Too much time talking, reference searching… Excessively absent or tardy and poor use of class time ResponsibilityCleaned upMarginal Clean upDisaster!
Grade Breakdown A 90% B+ 87% B 83% B- 80% C+ 77% C 73% C-70% D+ 67% D 63% D- 60% F 59% and below
Studio Expectations Get busy getting’ your hands dirty Respect the Studio Clean up your mess and the community space No airborne clay Keep track and care of tools Respect Others Be Kind and Helpful Respect Yourself Be Creative Honest Work Hard Make Mistakes
Saftey Precautions Always Wet Clean-up Watch Slippery Floors Kiln Room Chemicals Pug Mill Throwing/Pushing Wheels…hair…apron strings…bare toes
Intervention Practices 1. Initial Warning discussion 2. Teacher/Student Conference 3. Teacher/Parent/Student Conference and written contract 4.Administration involvement
Citizenship Policy Stay busy for the entire duration Tardies and Absences will count against your citizenship and letter grade unless excused! Honor Satisfactory Needs Improvement Unsatisfactory
Studio Procedures Sign in Calendars Tardy Seating Chart 10 minutes- no clay out! Clean up Points Work Points Hall Pass Music Selection Open Studio Night and Clay Club Meetings
Things you might want: Ice cream bucket for clean water Apron/bath towel/old shirt Throwing shoes Hand towel Hair tie Lock combination White Trash bags Cup container for tools or pencil box
Reminder of you Homework Due next class Bring: White Trash Bags, Lock, Pencil FEE’s or Receipt of $20.oo Disclosure printed from blog: