WELCOME K-12 Maritime Education Symposium Sea Scouts, BSA April 2014
Sea Scouts, BSA “Educating the next Generation of Great Lake Mariners –We’re all in this Together” 2
Sea Scouts, BSA is organized: To promote better citizenship; Improve boating skills and knowledge in water safety; To provide outdoor, social, and service experiences: and Knowledge of our maritime heritage.
2012 and Future Editions of Sea Scout Manual Revision of Sea Scout Manual last version released fall 2012 Catalog # 33239—Available through Scout Shops, Council stores, and order online Online version on Next revision anticipated in 2015
Enhance Web Site Support WHAT IS AVAILABLE: Resources for youth and adults Online Sea Scout manual available Promotional videos accessible Skills development resources Forms to use for advancement Links to organizations to support training Awards and requirements for earning Online calendar of events around the country Recruitment tools
Sea Scouts Survey Results 25% of youth members of the Sea Scouts state they have an interest in going into a maritime or military career. All others involved for recreational boating interests.
Sea Scouts Survey Results SEVERAL TASK FORCES FORMED IN FALL 2013 FROM NATIONAL SEA SCOUT COMMITTEE TO EVALUATE: Current advancement requirements – do they match what a youth needs to go into one of three tracks (Maritime career, military career, or recreational boating as a hobby) STEM initiatives – evaluate what we offer to engage our youth in the offerings of science, technology, engineering and math programs Creation of Marine Transportation Merit Badge in concert with California Maritime and New York Maritime Creation of Seamanship Merit Badge or award Create relationship with Sea Scouts and the Maritime Education and the Maritime Industry
Building to Teach Workshop 3 day hands on workshop at SUNY Maritime March middle/high school educators and 12 Sea Scout adult leaders brought together Learned about teamwork, math skills, and building a boat
High School (Sea Scouts) – Skills application Navigation Practice (Sea Scouts) Math for the Mariner Use of bearings for lines of position Use of geometry to advance a position Use of trigonometry for position determination Use of multiple math skills to determine: Estimated time of arrival Course made good Speed made good Effects of current/ tide / wind on vessel position
High School (Sea Scouts) – Skills application Seamanship & Engineering Math for the Mariner Mechanical Advantage (block & tackle) Buoyancy / Reserve Buoyancy Stability & Trim Breaking Strength & Safe Working Loads Advance & Transfer Fuel requirements Time and distance of arrival
William I. Koch International Sea Scout Cup Planned for 2014
William I. Koch International Sea Scout Cup 2014 Location: Long Beach, California June 22-28, countries participated in past Details available at
Safe Boating Partnerships
Memorandums of Agreement/Understanding Continue to build on our relationships with organizations outside of Scouting in support of a quality program: United States Coast Guard Auxiliary * United States Power Squadrons * Army Corps of Engineers * National Safe Boating Council National Water Safety Congress National Boating Federation BoatUS NASBLA (National Association State Boating Law Administrators) US Sailing Recreational Boating Leadership Council NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) MARAD and SOCP * PADI * Others in boating safety *MOA/MOU already in place
National Opportunities United States Coast Guard Barque Eagle 6 Sea Scouts cruised in the summer of 2013 Selections for Summer 2014 cruise made next spring– deadline applications March 31 st Interested applicants apply in spring Ideal candidate is a Sea Scout, years old, high school Junior, Able or Quartermaster Rank, resume demonstrates leadership and service, interest in the Coast Guard or other military service All Sea Scouts are eligible and encouraged to apply
In, On, Around, and Under the Water
Sea Scouts, BSA National Council Key Contact Keith Christopher National Director, Sea Scouts, BSA Properties Department SUM West Walnut Hill Lane Irving, Texas Office: Cell: Fax Number: