Ari Brown, Ravi Yegya-Raman, Lucy Zhang
Main Features Individual profile features: allow users to see profiles, contacts, and find contacts Facial recognition searching: allows users to search for contacts by either taking a picture or uploading an existing one Facial recognition uploading: allows users to add photos by either taking a picture or uploading an existing one in order to increase facial recognition searching accuracy Rating: allows users to rate a series of images and then see how people in the network rate others in the network
Other Features Contacts Browse through all contacts, sort by different criteria Search Search by different criteria such as name, Net ID, etc. Profile Profiles for each contact and self that display picture and other basic information
Facial Recognition Searching Live Recognition Interact with computer’s webcam in order to take a picture and then search through your contacts for the person Recognize Saved Photo Input URL of picture and then search through your contacts for the person
Facial Recognition Uploading Add Photo with Webcam Interact with computer’s webcam in order to take a picture and then associate photo with the specified contact Add Saved Photo Input URL of picture and then associate photo with the specified contact
Rating Feature Rate Set of Images Assign a rating between 1-10 to a set of training images based on whatever criteria you like (attractiveness, likeability, etc.) Rate Query Can see how anyone in network rates anyone else in the network, if the rater has rated the training set of images and the target has been recognized by the training set of images
Further Steps Smartphone App Contacts sortable by rating Improve facial recognition technology Implement for larger networks (i.e. schools, businesses) Allow for multiple networks for user (be in network for both school and workplace)
Business Plan (Monetizing FaceMatch) Make Blackboard App for teachers to recognize students in class (pull up name, contact information, grades, etc.) Sell Smartphone app to startup to work with phone’s camera Sell Rating feature to a dating site (eHarmony,, etc.) to aid in matching people.
URL for site al4/login.php al4/login.php Enter netID as username and orf401 as the password