Welcome to the 2008 Day 1 Teacher Mentor Support!
2 “ What teachers know, do, expect and value has a significant influence on the nature, extent and rate of student learning. The powerful phrase ‘teachers make the difference’ captures the key role that professional educators play in shaping the lives and futures of their students.” National Statement from the Teaching Profession on Teacher Standards, Quality and Professionalism, May
3 As Teacher Mentors you have the opportunity to shape the professional lives and futures of the beginning teachers you work with. Your work as a Mentor identifies you as a leader in your school. 2
4 This professional learning program is an opportunity to examine the behaviours and skills of mentoring over the whole year. It is: ongoing, and embedded in teacher practice informed by the best available research collaborative, involving reflection and feedback evidence based focused on student outcomes an individual AND collective responsibility 3
5 THE DAY 1 TEACHER MENTOR TRAINING ** The Mentoring Context ** What is Mentoring? ** Building the Relationship ** Mentoring Skills ** A Beginning Teacher’s Perspective ** After Day 1 and Before Day 2 ** Resources and Additional Readings 4
6 THE LEARNING GUIDE extra pages can be down loaded shaded Practice Point boxes – use as tools to inform your mentoring an activity or reading to follow up Day 2 materials to be added in August/September a professional learning support over the mentoring year with all resources together 5
7 6 THE MENTORING CONTEXT Victorian Imperative effective teachers, effective leaders, effective schools L.G. page 5
8 THE MENTORING CONTEXT School Culture -the role of the school in supporting beginning teachers L.G. page 5/6 7 L.G. page 6
9 8
10 WHAT THEN IS MENTORING.. It doesn’t mean... It does involve... 9 L.G. page 11
11 Mentoring is... ‘Shared experiences that facilitate a reciprocal process of constructing and examining knowledge’ and skills to improve teacher practice. Thompson 10 L.G. page 11
12 SO THE MENTOR REQUIRES: expertise in teaching practice skills in: # active listening # observation # reflective practice # feedback knowledge about and respect for each others’ stage of development the skills to build a successful relationship 11 L.G. page 12
13 THE OUTCOME OF MENTORING to prepare ‘teachers to become effective change agents who are committed to making a difference in the lives of young people and are skilled at the pedagogical and partnership developments that make success with students possible’ to ‘build strong professional cultures of teaching in our schools, dedicated to improving teaching, learning and caring’ (Hargreaves & Fullan ) 12 L.G. Section 8
14 BUILDING THE RELATIONSHIP ‘the learning environment is supportive and productive’ PoLT Principle #1... It is paramount we establish and nurture the same sort of relationships we strive to build with our students within the staffroom, to support and encourage teacher professional learning. 13 L.G. page 13
15 TO BUILD A SUCCESSFUL RELATIONSHIP IT’S IMPORTANT THAT THE MENTOR IS: ** Empathic ** Able to build trust ** Respectful ** Open minded and ** Responsive 14 L.G. page 13
16 EXPERT PAIRS Share the key points in developing a personal and professional relationship between a mentor and a mentoree. WHAT will you be doing to build a relationship with your mentoree? PLAN one thing to say, to do, to remember. 15 L.G. page 14
17 MENTORING SKILLS ACTIVE LISTENING: How would you describe your approach to listening? 16 L.G. page 23
18 OBSERVING: Observation is a powerful strategy in supporting professional learning. Collegiate Classroom Activities Incidental opportunities the purpose – building capacity the observation itself the de-brief – reflective practice 17 L.G. page 25
19 I take actions I adopt beliefs I draw conclusions I make assumptions I add meanings I select data Observable ‘data’ The steps taken up the Ladder of Inference are: 18 L.G. page 26
20 FROM OBSERVABLE DATA TO ACTIONS D:\ \Desktop\Paul Potts.mov 19 What do the Judges see (the observable data)? What are their actions based on their beliefs? Note the feedback given!
21 REFLECTIVE PRACTICE... don’t step in too fast; stand back. As a mentor you are facilitating learning, not taking over. Reflective practice can be risk taking... Reflective conversations are rich in OPEN ENDED QUESTIONS that: expose assumptions build trust promote thinking consider alternatives 20 L.G. page 27
22 GIVING & RECEIVING CONSTRUCTIVE FEEDBACK Remember..... clarify the purpose, describe the observed behaviour, use open ended questions There may be a need for a solution but it may also be an opportunity for a reflective conversation with improvement in mind but not a specific solution 21 L.G. page 28
23 A BEGINNING TEACHER’S PERSPECTIVE As you listen record some of the following: The value of the mentor The Issues The relationship Key Ingredients Strategies to build practice Other good ideas ** What resonated with you most ? ** Did any of the comments surprise you? ** What advice do you intend to take back to school and share? 22 L.G. page 32 / 33
24 BEGINNING TEACHERS’ CASE STORIES ** Beginning Teachers who spoke at last year’s Day 1 program are happy to share their experiences with you through the Learning Guide in Section 8. ** These can add an extra dimension to your own mentoring experience and to today’s presentation. 23
25 John - a primary school teacher As beginning teachers …we feel like we are learning to walk and we can see experienced teachers doing summersaults! Jill - a secondary school teacher The campus Principal sat in a class to peer assess me…The effect it had on the class (students) sent out a message that – “yeah we all work …as a team…we’re really serious about our teaching and your learning”. L.G. page 37 & Section 8 24
26 ADVICE FROM BEGINNING TEACHERS: Mentors should be trained and have a good understanding of what induction is … Begin the year with a dedicated session on the role of the mentor and mentoree and the purpose of the mentoring relationship… Provide beginning teachers with a choice in mentor. Make sure there are formal meeting times timetabled The focus of the mentoring relationship should be in response to the mentoree’s needs… Provide opportunities to team-teach, shadow and observe, learn from and with others. The opportunity to reflect is invaluable. Broaden the scope of support to include all teachers. 25
27 ADVICE ON INDUCTION Orientation of basic processes, rules and procedures is critical Roles and responsibilities need to be clarified from the outset What is expected of the beginning teacher? Who is responsible for induction and what is it - CAREFUL OF OVERLOADING. The pre-commencement phase (becoming familiar with curriculum, the students, staff, the classroom, school structures/processes, the physical space) makes all the difference. Ensure formal mentor arrangements and team teaching opportunities. Time for reflective conversations is vital. Provide access to professional learning opportunities. 26
28 PLANNING FOR INDUCTION AT SCHOOL ** What does effective induction and mentoring look like? ** What are the specific skills and behaviours of mentoring? ** What support is needed for the beginning teacher and the mentor? A conversation with the Principal and Leadership team will enable common understandings and plans to be made for the year ahead. 27 L.G. page 38
29 AFTER DAY 1 AND BEFORE DAY 2 ** make a time to talk to your Principal and leadership team **interview your mentoree ** consider using your work as a mentor as an aspect of your Performance Plan **use your Learning Guide as a tool **keep a journal of your mentoring to bring to Day 2 ** visit the website 28 L.G. page 38 & 39
L.G. page 40
31 BRINGING IT ALL TOGETHER Mentoring is a powerful professional learning strategy that can support teachers to examine and build on their repertoire of skills and practice. THANK YOU FOR MAKING THIS COMMITMENT YOUR WORK AS A MENTOR IS SIGNIFICANT AND VALUED 30
32 We look forward to seeing you again in August/September at the Day 2 program. Best wishes for the next phase in your professional learning and your mentoring relationship! 31