NON TECHNICAL LOSSES REDUCTION BACKGROUND –A menace in most African utility operations. –Occur as a result of distribution operational problems. –Loss of huge sums of revenue to many utilities. –Efforts taken to reduce non-technical losses in African Utilities have been varied, uncoordinated, unsustainable and hence ineffective. –Approached with well-strategize customer centred plans.
NON TECHNICAL LOSSES REDUCTION –A menace in most African utility operations. –Occur as a result of distribution operational problems. –Loss of huge sums of revenue to many utilities. –Efforts taken to reduce non-technical losses in African Utilities have been varied, uncoordinated, unsustainable and hence ineffective. –Approached with well-strategize customer centred plans.
This presentation will seek to address the following issues Definition and analysis of non-technical losses. International comparison of non-technical losses in the sub-region of West Africa. Identified causes of non-technical losses Analysis of the causes of non-technical losses Measures to combat non-technical losses Performance monitoring indicators.
DEFINITION AND ANALYSIS OF NON- TECHNICAL LOSSES Power system losses refer to the difference between bulk energy purchased from the national grid and the total energy accounted for expressed as a percentage. The total energy accounted for comprises of billed energy, street lighting and temporary lighting and energy consumption in VRA/NED sub transmission premises.
Power system losses can be divided into two categories: technical and non- technical. Technical losses are due to resistance and iron core losses which occur during the transmission and distribution of electric power. These are naturally occurring losses Consist mainly of power dissipation in transmission lines, power transformers, measurement systems, etc.
Technical losses are possible to compute and control. Non-technical losses are due to human manipulation or errors and are therefore external to the power systems. Non-technical losses are very difficult to measure.
Background of NED Losses The system losses in NED stood at 12% in 1990 and this increased steadily to 31% in 2003 and improved to 18.8% in NED losses started rising from 1996 when the government embarked upon National Electrification Project As a result long transmission lines and distribution networks were constructed over a short period given rise to sudden increase in both technical and non-technical losses.
Very long distribution lines with very little load at the tail end. Existing networks are saddled with very old and undersized cables. Also in the process of having most rural areas connected in a short period, standards of cable and metering might have been compromised.
NED losses trend from 1990 to 2008
Experience of most utilities has shown that losses worsen as mass electrification programme are embarked upon UtilityPeriod of mass electrification losses Eskom1990 – % ECG % NED %
Causes of Non-Technical Loses Power theft; defined as a conscience attempt by a person to reduce or eliminate the amount of money he or she will owe the utility for electric energy. Illegal Connection Pure Administrative Self line Constructions
Causes of Non-Technical Loses( ctd) Meter related problems –Meter bypass/ tamper –Wrong readings –“U- TOUCH” –High meter position –Faulty meter –Meter ratings –Over aged meters –Incorrect C.T. multiplying factor –Meter Transfers
Causes of Non-Technical Loses (ctd) Billing Problems Premises connected but a/cs not set up in System. Wrong classification Under keying of meter reading Customers with zero readings Over clocked meter readings Un metered/flat rate supplies Under estimation Unpaid bills
Analysis of power theft in NED itemJanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSeptTotal Premises visited Illegal Connectio n Meter bypass Tampered Meters % Power theft
Losses due to meter related itemJanFebMarAprMayJunJulAug No.of meters 134, ,800138, , , , , ,23 2 No. Faulty Unseal ed 53,89854,72055,50455,78456,194 56,82657,292 % Losses 40
Measures to check illegal connections i.LORG-Loss Reduction Gang powers to check, remove, charge penalties and refer to Legal Department for the prosecutions of people caught for illegal connections. ii.Monetary Award For each illegal connection reported and verified to be true. iii.Zero consumption Report run every month for field check
iv.Consumption analysis Report A customer whose consumption is abnormal is flagged for further investigations. v.Meter bypass penalty Penalty charge of Gh¢ 100 plus six months estimated consumption vi.Meter tempering Penalty charge of Gh¢ 100 plus six months estimated consumption and full cost of meter.
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