Jae Wook Choi, Ph.D. Professor, Director. Institute for Occupational & Environmental Health, Korea University. Status of the GHS Implementation in China, Central Asia and Korea GHS Stocktaking workshop for China, Central Asia and Korea Beijing, China September 2010
Introduction The status of GHS implementation for Korea was examined through interview from expert with experiences about GHS application and implementation in Korea and collecting data from relevant governmental departments such as Minister of Labor and Environment. Also, the status of GHS for China and counties in Central Asia (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan) was investigated by visiting the web-site of each county as well as international agencies (e.g., APEC, UNECE, WSSD)
China 1. Classification: GB to GB (“26 GBs”) - translation of UN Purple book Published October 2006, in force Jan 1, MSDSs and Labels are required by Decree No 423 of Ministry of Labor of Dec 20, 1996, and effective Jan GB (Classification and labelling of hazardous chemicals in common use) replaced by GB 13690–2009 (General Rule for Classification and Hazard Communication of Chemicals) GB 13690–2009 published Dec 2009 & effective: May 1, 2010 SDSs: GB /T (Safety data sheet for chemical products content and order of sections) Issued: June 6, 2008; Implementation: Feb. 1, Labels: 1) GB/T (Labeling of chemicals based on GHS) – Effective from Feb. 1, – Equivalent to the Japanese JIS Z 7251:2006 2) GB (General Rules for Preparation of Precautionary Label for Chemicals) - Published Dec 2009 & effective: May 1, 2010 (1 year of transitional period from the effective date)
Central Asia The implementation of GHS for counties in Central Asia was shown mostly for Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) including counties below: ① Armenia ② Azerbaijan ③ Belarus ④ Georgia ⑤ Kazakhstan ⑥ Kyrgyzstan ⑦ Moldova ⑧ Russia ⑨ Tajikistan ⑩ Turkmenistan ⑪ Ukraine ⑫ Uzbekistan
Central Asia Implementation of recommendation UN(GHS): GOSTsCIS adoption in2007 GOST «Chemical production safety passport. General requirements» –GOST «Labeling of chemicals. General requirements» In Russia this standards coming into force with GOST : GOST standards were originally developed by the government of the Soviet Union as part of its national standardization strategy. The word GOST (Russian: ГОСТ) is an acronym for gosudarstvennyy standart (Russian:государственный стандарт)Soviet UnionRussian The following countries have adopted GOST standards in addition to their own, nationally developed standards: Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Georgia, and Turkmenistan. RussiaBelarusUkraineMoldovaKazakhstanAzerbaijanArmeniaKyrgyzstanUzbekistanTajikistanGeorgiaTurkmenistan
Central Aisa Technical regulation on chemical safety (which is expected to be approved by the end of 2010). Russian GOST standard on SDS is based on GHS 2005: Russian GOST on “Labelling of chemicals. General requirements” (in force since January 1, 2009); Adopted by Russia, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Byelorussia, Kirghizia, Moldova, Tadjikistan, Uzbekistan In force January 2009 Reference : Federal Agency on Technical Regulating and Metrology Russian Scientific-Research Centre on Standardization, Certificationand Testing of Materials
KOREA_Status of GHS Implementation 1. Ministry of Employment and Labor: Industrial Safety and Health act Effective by July 2008 substances: July 1, 2010; Mixtures: July 1, 2013 (Transition period) KOSHA provides advisory list with GHS classifications – 11,314 substances (website: - members only) 2. Ministry of Environment: Ministerial Decree of Toxic Chemical Control Law Classification and labelling of new chemicals under the revised TCCL is mandatory since July 1, Existing chemiclas with transitional period: Single toxic chemical (June 30, 2011); Mixtures (June 30, 2013) GHS classification – started from NIER No. 2, Feb under Regulation on the Standard of Classification and Labeling of Toxic Substances -> the latest NIER No , January 25, 2010
KOREA_ Plans for ) Ministry of Employment and Labor: About 2000 kinds will be added in 2010, so 13,000 kinds of GHS MSDS of single substances will be provided, and it will continue to be managed by hazardous data is reinforced. In addition, the registration function of its own MSDS in the workplace, MSDS of single substance which is possible to be used by business owner was registered using MSDS EDITING program, and the program function was extended using MSDS of public corporation and user for MSDS of mixtures to be created. 2) Ministry of Environment: Implementation rules and future notification revise direction, the technical support such as circuit training to industry fields is pushed. About 500 kinds will be added in 2010, so 3,000 kinds of GHS MSDS of single substances will be provided
Health and environmental hazard classUN GHS * hazard category Japan GHS † hazard category GHS ‡ hazard category Acute toxicityCategory 1-5Category 1-4 Skin corrosion irritationCategory 1 (1A-1C) Category 2-3 Category 1 (1A-1C) Category 2 Category 1 Category 2 Serious eye damage irritationCategory 1, Category 2 (2a-2b) Category 1, Category 2 (2a-2b) Category 1, Category 2 (2a) Respiratory sensitizationCategory 1 Skin sensitizationCategory 1 Germ cell mutagenicityCategory 1 (1A-1B) Category 2 Category 1 (1A-1B) Category 2 Category 1 (1A-1B) Category 2 CarcinogenicityCategory 1 (1A-1B) Category 2 Category 1 (1A-1B) Category 2 Category 1 (1A-1B) Category 2 Reproductive toxicityCategory 1 (1A-1B) Category 2, effect on or via lactation Category 1(1A-1B) Category 2, effect on or via lactation Category 1 (1A-1B) Category 2, effect on or via lactation Specific target organ toxicity-singleCategory 1-3 Specific target organ toxicity-repeat exposureCategory 1-2 Aspiration hazardCategory 1-2Category 1Category 1-2 Hazardous to the aquatic environment-acuteCategory 1-3 Category 1 Hazardous to the aquatic environment-chronicCategory 1-4 KOREA_ Building Block
BUILDING BLOCKS: We adopted all categories except following: Flammable liquids: Cat.4 Acute toxicity: Cat. 5 Skin corrosion irritation : Cat.3 Eye irritation: Cat. 2B Acute aquatic toxicity: Cat. 2, 3 All sub-categories were merged into one category
KOREA_Status of GHS Implementation 1. Ministry of Employment Labor: Industrial Safety and Health Law substances: July 1, 2010; Mixtures: July 1, 2013 KOSHA provides advisory list with GHS classifications – 11,314 substances (website: - members only) 2. Ministry of Environment: Ministerial Decree of Toxic Chemical Control Law Classification and labelling of new chemicals under the revised TCCL is mandatory since July 1, Existing chemiclas with transitional period: Single toxic chemical (June 30, 2011); Mixtures (June 30, 2013) GHS classification – started from NIER No. 2, Feb under Regulation on the Standard of Classification and Labeling of Toxic Substances -> the latest NIER No , January 25, 2010
KOREA_ Plans for ) Ministry of Employment & Labor: About 2000 kinds will be added in 2010, so 13,000 kinds of GHS MSDS of single substances will be provided, and it will continue to be managed by hazardous data is reinforced. In addition, the registration function of its own MSDS in the workplace, MSDS of single substance which is possible to be used by business owner was registered using MSDS EDITING program, and the program function was extended using MSDS of public corporation and user for MSDS of mixtures to be created. 2) Ministry of Environment: Implementation rules and future notification revise direction, the technical support such as circuit training to industry fields is pushed. About 500 kinds will be added in 2010, so 3,000 kinds of GHS of single substances will be provided
Health and environmental hazard classUN GHS * hazard category Japan GHS † hazard category GHS ‡ hazard category Acute toxicityCategory 1-5Category 1-4 Skin corrosion irritationCategory 1 (1A-1C) Category 2-3 Category 1 (1A-1C) Category 2 Category 1 Category 2 Serious eye damage irritationCategory 1, Category 2 (2a-2b) Category 1, Category 2 (2a-2b) Category 1, Category 2 (2a) Respiratory sensitizationCategory 1 Skin sensitizationCategory 1 Germ cell mutagenicityCategory 1 (1A-1B) Category 2 Category 1 (1A-1B) Category 2 Category 1 (1A-1B) Category 2 CarcinogenicityCategory 1 (1A-1B) Category 2 Category 1 (1A-1B) Category 2 Category 1 (1A-1B) Category 2 Reproductive toxicityCategory 1 (1A-1B) Category 2, effect on or via lactation Category 1(1A-1B) Category 2, effect on or via lactation Category 1 (1A-1B) Category 2, effect on or via lactation Specific target organ toxicity-singleCategory 1-3 Specific target organ toxicity-repeat exposureCategory 1-2 Aspiration hazardCategory 1-2Category 1Category 1-2 Hazardous to the aquatic environment-acuteCategory 1-3 Category 1 Hazardous to the aquatic environment-chronicCategory 1-4 KOREA_ Building Block
BUILDING BLOCKS: We adopted all categories except following: Flammable liquids: Cat.4 Acute toxicity: Cat. 5 Skin corrosion irritation : Cat.3 Acute aquatic toxicity: Cat. 2, 3 All sub-categories were merged into one category
In the comparison of GHS classification results of Korea and Japan, 'single exposure' and 'repeat exposure' categories among ‘specific target organ toxicity’ hazard class showed the lowest concordance rate (14.0% and 22.0%, respectively). In the case of ‘acute toxicity’, ‘oral toxicity’ had a 52.0% concordance rate. ‘Dermal toxicity ‘and ‘inhalation toxicity’ had concordance rate of 78.0% and 68.0%, respectively. On the other hand, GHS classification of Korea and EU resulted in ‘acute toxicity’ (78.0% %), ‘carcinogenicity’ (90.0%), and ‘aquatic environment’ (94.0%), while the other hazard class concordance rate 100%. Will be published in International Journal of Industry Hygine Survey Result of the Concordance Rate and Discordance Rate of Korea and Japan, EU
Comparison of GHS classification results for Health Hazards and Environmental Hazards between Japan and Korea Code NoHazard Class Number of substances with identical classification results Number of substances with different classification results 3.1Acute toxicity oral173 dermal7 7 inhalation, gas1 inhalation, vapor4 3 inhalation, dust/mist Skin corrosion/ irritation Serious eye damage / eye irritation Sensitisatioin Respiratory 5 Skin Germ cell mutagenicity Carcinogenicity Toxic to reproduction Specific target organs/systemic toxicity following single exposure Specific target organs/systemic toxicity following repeated exposure Aspiration hazard Hazardous to the aquatic environment(acute)416 Hazardous to the aquatic environment(chronic)128
Comparison of GHS classification results for Health Hazards and Environmental Hazards between Korea and China Code NoHazard Class Number of substances with identical classification results Number of substances with different classification results 3.1Acute toxicity oral83 dermal3 4 inhalation, gas1 inhalation, vapor4 2 inhalation, dust/mist1 3.2Skin corrosion/ irritation47 3.3Serious eye damage / eye irritation65 3.4Sensitisatioin Respiratory1 0 Skin Germ cell mutagenicity Carcinogenicity Toxic to reproduction Specific target organs/systemic toxicity following single exposure Specific target organs/systemic toxicity following repeated exposure Aspiration hazard Hazardous to the aquatic environment(acute)65 Hazardous to the aquatic environment(chronic)74
Still challenges ahead… – Labor intensive, costly & time consuming especially initially – Confusing (conflicting regulatory approach among governmental agencies/ministries) – GHS is not that “harmonized” yet – Transitional (occurring over period of months/years)
Reference 1. Government of the Republic of KAZAKHSTAN, 2. Ministry of Health of the Republic of Tajikistan, 3. Republican Party of Turkmenistan 4. Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan 5. Organisational structure of the Government of Turkmenistan 6. Governmental Portal of The Republic of Uzbekistan 7. GHS Implementation in the APEC Economics as of July Ministry of Environmental Protection of the People’s Republic of China 9. Standardization administration of P.R. China UNECE, GHS Announcement of Newly Approved National Standards of P.R.China 2010 No.:3(Total No.:158) 12. WSSD Global Partnership for Capacity Building to Implement the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS), Annual Report WSSD Global Partnership for Capacity Building to Implement the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS), Annual Report WSSD Global Partnership for Capacity Building to Implement the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS), Annual Report Organisation for economic co-operation and development Ministry of Employment & Laborhe “The Industrial Safety and Health Act” Ministry of Environment “Toxic Chemicals Control Act” National Emergency Management Agency “Safety Control of Dangerous Substances Act” Minister of Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs CURRENT REGULATIONS OF CHEMICAL PRODUCTS IN RUSSIA. Dmitry Skobelev. Federal Agency on Technical Regulating and Metrology May, 28 21) 22)
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