Welcome to Richlands Primary School! Ms. Huffman & Ms. Clemmons
Your Teachers Ms. HuffmanMs. Clemmons
Welcome to Our Class!!! This year is going to be a new adventure for you and your child! We will be going on field trips and attending school assemblies. There will be surprises when least expected. This is the joy of being in this Kindergarten class!
Nightly Routine Every night your child will bring home their folder. It is important that you check your child’s folder each night. A newsletter will be sent weekly. Your child will also have a monthly homework and behavior calendar that needs to remain in their folder. I will take out their calendar at the end of each month and replace it with one for the next month. Important notes from me or from the school will be included in your child’s folder. All of your child’s class work will be sent home on Friday’s.
Bus and Pickups For the first two weeks of school, your child must wear their tags that identify if they are bus riders or pickup.
Picking up your child If you will be picking up your child in the afternoon, please pick them up at 3:30 in the cafeteria. If you need to check your child out, please do so by 3:15, otherwise you will be requested to wait in the cafeteria. NOTE: Early checkouts equal a tardy.
Transportation Changes If there is any change in your child’s daily pick-up routine we MUST have a written note explaining the change. Without a note your child will follow his/her regular routine. For bus notes, you need to include: -Student Name -Teacher’s Name -Bus Number -Address For car pick-up notes, you need to include: -Student Name -Teacher’s Name -Name of Person picking up the child and the relationship to the child. Please keep in mind that the person picking up your child needs to be on their pick up list in the office. If you must make a transportation change during the school day, you will need to fax it to the school. The number is Transportation changes will not be made over the phone or through . Transportation changes must be made by 2:00 pm.
Morning Routine You may bring your child in the first day to walk him/her through the morning routine. 1 st Job- Make Lunch Choice 2 nd Job- Place your folder and homework notebook in the basket by Ms. Huffman’s desk. 3 rd Job- Find your cubby for book bag 4 th Job- Find seat and begin morning work For the first 10 days of school, you may walk your child to the classroom. After the 10 th day, we ask that you allow your child to walk to the classroom on their own.
Breakfast If your child wishes to eat breakfast at school, please make sure they do so before checking in with us. The cost of breakfast is $1.25.
Lunch You are welcome to join your child for lunch. We respectively request that this begins at the end of September, giving everyone time to adjust. Also, if you or another family member will be eating lunch with your child, please send in a note that morning to let us know who will be eating lunch with them. Our lunch time is from 10:47-11:12. Lunch $2.00 Reduced Lunch $.0.40
Snack We have a snack time each afternoon. Students will need to bring one from home each day. Students may also bring a juice or water.
Birthday Goodies School policy requires that all food products are store bought, with the ingredient label intact. Please do not be offended by the policy. Also, please let us know in advance if you want to bring in something for your child’s birthday so that we can plan that in our schedule. Please notify us of any food allergies.
Fees Art Fee $1.00 Instructional Fee $5.00 $6.00 Please pay these fees as soon as possible.
Was your child absent? If your child was absent, please send in a note. The note needs to include your child’s first and last name, date(s) of the absence, reason for the absence, and parent’s signature.
In case of an “accident” Please send in a seasonal appropriate change of clothes in case your child has an accident. These clothes will be kept in their cubbies at all times.
School Closings *The Inclement Weather Phone Number for school closings is *Information about school closings can also be found on the county website: *Check local news and radio stations.
School Supplies 1 large backpack (no wheels please, due to lack of storage) 4 wide-ruled spiral notebooks (blue, green, red, and yellow) 4 pocket folders with prongs (blue, green, red, and yellow) 10 glue sticks 4 boxes of 24 count crayons 4 Pink erasers 24 pencils (not mechanical) 1 Pair of child safety scissors 2 pencil pouches 1 primary handwriting tablet **Change of clothes in a gallon zip lock bag to keep at school in case of an accident.
Donations Donations to the class are greatly appreciated. Items that are constantly needed are: Hand Sanitizer Baby Wipes Zip lock Bags Kleenex ***I will send home a note in the newsletter if or when we need these supplies.
We have a class website. ageName='TeacherPage'&StaffID='67838'
Contact Information Ms. Huffman’s address is Richlands Primary Fax
Conferences We will have at least 2 conferences this school year. Any additional will be scheduled upon need or request.
Forms Please fill out any forms before you leave today. Please let me know if you have any questions.
Enrichment Schedule The Enrichment Classes are: PE- please make sure your child is dressed appropriately Music Art Computer Lab Library Skills Spanish ***We do have recess each day. School policy says that students are not to wear flip flops to school.
Visitors When visiting our school, please sign in at the front office and get a visitor pass. This is for the safety of your children and is the school’s way of knowing who is on campus.
Sending Money to School If you are sending money with your child, please put it in their folder so that we can find it. Also, please be sure to label the money so that we will know what it is for. It is helpful for us if you send any money in either a zip lock bag or envelope.
A note from the Teacher I look forward to working with your child and getting to know him/her. I am excited about seeing your child grow and mature over this upcoming year.