What Scaling HIPs Looks Like HIPs Shared Governance Building a HIP Culture What Scaling HIPs Looks Like Degree Audit Targeted Delivery Information Technology 1. Why?
California State University -23 institutions, 450,000 students -regional comprehensive mission of access and quality CSU Graduation Initiative (Access to Success)
Latino/anot Latino/a 38% 55% 49% 63% 65% 68% Source: CSU Northridge Institutional Research August, 2010 Graduation Rates by Ethnicity and participation in High-Impact Practices
2. What reservations do you have about the HIPs efficacy data from CSU Northridge?
problems with HIPs data: 1.students self-report it on NSSE
Can we define high-impact practices so unambiguously that a registrar would be confident saying whether or not a student participated in one?
$7.2 million allocation for Academic and Student Success Programs San José, November, 2013 San Diego, February, 2014 “taxonomies” calstate.edu/engage
3. Which HIPs at your institution are most consistently tracked and defined? calstate.edu/engage
quality success Cheryl McKnight CSU Dominguez Hills "It gives meaning to their education," McKnight said. "It's not just about grades, not just about graduating. “They're building self-efficacy."
course redesign intrusive advising undergrad research on-campus employment learning community persistenc e GPA course redesign intrusive advising undergrad research on-campus employment learning community persistenc e GPA course redesign intrusive advising undergrad research on-campus employment learning community persistenc e GPAknowledg e course redesign intrusive advising undergrad research on-campus employment learning community persistenc e GPAknowledg e course redesign intrusive advising undergrad research on-campus employment learning community persistenc e GPAknowledg e creativityagency course redesign intrusive advising undergrad research on-campus employment learning community persistenc e GPAknowledg e creativityagency course redesign intrusive advising undergrad research on-campus employment learning community
4. Do you have evidence of non-cognitive learning?
assessment record creation
assessment record management record creation
costs -autonomy -responsiveness benefits -degree requirements -articulation -research validity -consortial funding How much “fidelity to the model” is enough?
How much “fidelity to the model” is enough? CSU system meetings to scale HIPs: Sonoma August Pomona September 29-30