/ Lisa Spiro Digital Media Center, Rice University October 2010
mouscollective/ / ashworld/ / / arlhamcollege/ /
Communicating Representing knowledge Producing knowledge Teaching “Digital Humanities 2008 Book of Abstracts”
“Digital humanities is a diverse and still emerging field that encompasses the practice of humanities research in and through information technology, and the exploration of how the humanities may evolve through their engagement with technology, media, and computational methods.” (Digital Humanities Quarterly)Digital Humanities Quarterly
Researcher Chats w/ colleagues Conferences Meeting with students Publications
Researcher Chats w/ colleagues Conferences Meeting with students Publications Multimedia publications Blogs Twitter
Share information Conduct conversations Keep track of conferences Reveal interests of community
Expand access to knowledge Make scholarly work more visible Enable information to be re-used and built upon
12 million+ volumes in Google Books Average American consumes 34 gigabytes per day (UCSD study)UCSD study At least billion pages on the indexed web14.54 billion pages
Primary texts cited in my dissertation: 150ish Results for search of “bachelor” in Google Books: 181,000
How do we study world literature and understand the literary system? Close reading= small canon “Distant reading: where distance… is a condition of knowledge: it allows you to focus on units that are much smaller or much larger than the text: devices, themes, tropes—or genres and systems.” Microscope vs. telescope Elaborated in Franco Morretti’s Graphs, Maps, Trees (2005)
“a visualization of word frequencies.” (Many Eyes)
Visualize evolution of American presidential politics by transforming data into dynamic images “to reveal patterns across time”
An “experiment in multi-campus digital pedagogy”
Getting data Technology development Copyright Funding Academic culture Training Publishing Preservation & sustainability /
Collaborative Open, visible, public Experimental Bridges theory and practice Cultural objects as “data”; interpret patterns Engaged with the “now” PS: It’s fun THATCamp Paris 54/
Work at a place like the DMC Develop your own digital humanities project Take a wide variety of courses, e.g. Caleb McDaniel’s HIST 246: The American Civil War Era Programming Design Media studies, etc. Experiment with multimedia tools such as video editing Read widely Be conscious of digital culture
Contact me at the DMC (Herring 129) or at Download these slides