Success at thanksgiving Success at thanksgiving I family I family 18 guests 18 guests 1 cup of happiness 1 cup of happiness 1 turkey 1 turkey 4 cups of patience 4 cups of patience And a cup of love And a cup of love Mash family with turkey bake for 20 min at 350. take out layer patience like icing. Put back in for 10 min at 250. take out sprinkle on happiness love and guests. Serves 18. Mash family with turkey bake for 20 min at 350. take out layer patience like icing. Put back in for 10 min at 250. take out sprinkle on happiness love and guests. Serves 18.
Happy HappyInsects Joke on KidsLikeMonstersNotOn Presidents day
Winter Winter Snowy, cold Snowy, cold Sliding, skiing, snowing. Sliding, skiing, snowing. Spring Spring Sunny, warm Sunny, warm Playing, swimming, trees budding. Playing, swimming, trees budding.
C armen C armen A n angles wish A n angles wish R ampaging on good deeds R ampaging on good deeds M akes all feel happy M akes all feel happy E ats like a lady E ats like a lady N ot a pig man N ot a pig man B ut is sweet as can be B ut is sweet as can be
The sun is out now The sun is out now It is gleaming and pretty It is gleaming and pretty I adore the spring I adore the spring
Songs are like moons so crazy and bright with love and a beautiful sight Songs are like moons so crazy and bright with love and a beautiful sight
Who dolly Who dolly What loves cat food When every day When every day Where at home Where at home Why because she is a cat Why because she is a cat
Bailey Bailey Brown eyes Brown eyes Wonder woman Wonder woman Very very very nice Very very very nice The best friend EVER!!!!! The best friend EVER!!!!!
Fester doesn’t do ding dong ditch during December on the last day of school on doors. Fester doesn’t do ding dong ditch during December on the last day of school on doors.
Cats love curry Cats love curry And love to bury And love to bury They go to school They go to school Eat a fool Eat a fool But still want to be furry. But still want to be furry.
I love CHRISTMAS I love CHRISTMAS So snowy and happy with presents of joy! So snowy and happy with presents of joy!
Thank you and I hoped you liked my poems. Thank you and I hoped you liked my poems. CARMEN B!!! CARMEN B!!!