4.1 – Exercise Stages 4.2 – Attitudes ! Chapter 4 –Getting Started in Physical Activity State Standards: 2, 3, 6 4.1 – Exercise Stages 4.2 – Attitudes !
4.1 – Exercise Stages 4 Objectives: Name the three stages of a safe exercise session and describe each. Explain why your heart and muscles need a warm-up and a cool-down. Use the Physical Activity Pyramid diagram to plan three different physical activity programs. List general guidelines for physical activity. !
Stage 1: Warm-Up A warm-up is a series of activities that prepare you for vigorous activity and help prevent injury. 3 parts of a warm-up: Heart warm-up Muscle warm-up Muscle stretch !
Heart Warm-Up should last for 1 – 3 minutes. prepares your heart for more vigorous activity. walking, slow jogging, slow swimming, slow bicycling. gradually increases your heart rate. !
Muscle warm-Up increases the blood flow to the muscles, raising body temperature. warm muscles contract and relax more easily. include a few slow, easy movements that are similar to the activity you will be doing. Some experts believe a heart warm-up should be done before and after a muscle warm-up. !
Muscle Stretch stretch slowly and easily, do not bounce. should include some gentle stretching exercises for each muscle group you will use in your workout. warm muscles are less likely to be strained or pulled than short, tight muscles. !
Stage 2: The Workout The workout is when you do activities to improve your fitness. For the best fitness you should include activities from each part of the Physical Activity Pyramid each week.
Plan A: All parts at each workout Includes flexibility exercises, exercises for muscular strength, muscular endurance, and aerobics or sports at each workout. Example: You warm-up, do weight training, jog, or ride a bicycle, do flexibility exercises, then cool down. !
Plan B: Different parts at different workouts In this plan you do an aerobic activity or sport at least three days a week, exercise for muscular strength and muscular endurance at least two days a week, and flexibility exercises after each workout. Example: You warm-up before each workout, play tennis on Mondays and Wednesdays, jog on Fridays, weight train on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and do flexibility exercises and cool downs after each workout. !
Plan C: Lifestyle-plus workout In this plan the main source of the aerobic workout is from activities done during the day. Called lifestyle-plus because supplemental activities are done to develop parts of fitness. Exercises for flexibility, strength, and endurance are added to regular lifestyle activities. Example: You stretch and do calisthenics every morning, walk to and from school each day, walk dogs everyday after school, and bicycle to visit friends on the weekend. !
Stage 3: The Cool-Down A cool-down allows your body to recover from the demands of physical activity. Usually consists a heart cool-down and a muscle cool-down and stretch. !
Heart cool-down consists of movements done at a slower pace than the workout. helps prevent dizziness and fainting. helps the blood return to the heart and the brain. start heart cool-down immediately after stopping vigorous activity. do a heart cool-down before stretching. !
Muscle cool-down gradually cools down the muscles by continuing to move around. prevents the blood from pooling. start muscle cool-down immediately after vigorous activity. do a muscle cool-down before stretching. !
Stretch gradually cools down the muscles by continuing to move around. stretch slowly without bouncing. helps increase flexibility. do heart and muscle cool-downs before stretching. can do the same stretching exercises you did as part of your warm-up, but increase the intensity because your muscles are already warm. !
Guidelines for Physical Activity Wear comfortable clothing – your body cools itself better in loose fitting clothing. Wash exercise clothing regularly – reduce chances of fungal growth or infections. Dress in layers when exercising outdoors – remove layers as your warm, put back on as you cool. Wear proper socks and shoes – socks provide cushioning, help prevent blisters, and absorb sweat. Shoes- multipurpose, specialty, high-top. Choose leather of cloth shoes for breathability. !
Plan for Success Use these guidelines to plan a physical activity program you will most likely succeed at. Exercise with friends. Choose activities you enjoy. Plan variety. Select a time that is good for you. Set a regular time for physical activity. !
4.1 Checking for Understanding What are the three stages of a safe exercise session? What do you need to do during each stage? Why do your heart and muscles need a warn-up and a cool-down? Explain how to use the Physical Activity Pyramid to plan three different activity programs. How can you plan for success? !
4.2 Attitudes Objectives: List some negative attitudes about physical activity and describe how to change them into positive attitudes. List some reasons why people like to exercise. Explain how you can help others have a positive attitude toward physical activity. !
Change Negative Attitudes Change negative attitudes into positive ones. Change: “I don’t have time” to “I will plan a time for physical activity.” “I don’t want to get all sweaty” to “I’ll allow time to wash up afterwards.” “None of my friends work out, so neither do I” to “I’ll ask my friends to join me and we’ll work out together.” !
Increase Positive Attitudes Reasons why people like to exercise: “Physical activities are a great way to meet new people.” “I think physically active people are really fun.” ‘I enjoy the challenge.” “I like competition.” “Physical activities help me relax.” !
Sensitivity to Others Your positive reactions can help others change negative feelings about physical activity. Instead of laughing, provide encouragement. Start or join a sport exercise club. !