Six thinking hats of Neil Armstrong By: Andrew 5C
White hat Neil Armstrong was born on August 5, 1930 in Wapakoneta, Ohio, U.S.A. He is the children of Stephen Koenig Armstrong and Viola Louise Angel. He was the First man to step on the moon and he was the commander of the Apollo11. He died in August 25, 2012 at the aged of 82 in Cincinnati, Ohio, U.S.A. He Went with two astronaut, Michael Collin and Buzz Aldrin. He went to the moon with the reason to win the space race with Soviet Union.
Yellow hat Neil Armstrong became famous for becoming the first man to step on the moon and gain experience on the moon. His voyage to the moon was able to bring U.S.A to victory with the space race. He has inspired people to became astronauts.
Black hat This voyage could even risk the astronauts’ life especially when his rocket enters the atmosphere the engine could start to burn that could make the rocket to explode. When exploring the moon the oxygen tank is almost finish.
Green hat We can learn that he is such a brave and committed man to complete the mission in analyzing the moon and he also received many awards from the president because of that. He said that he would be the commander of mars if he was asked.
Blue hat After the mission he teach the university of Cincinnati. The next mission is to land on mars but he died before he received the mission.his understanding to the rocket is good because he have operate the naval plane.
Red hat I think he feels excited for being the first man to step on the moon and made his country proud of his outstanding achievements.