Maths Decimals
How do I know what kind of decimal it is? We know the name of a decimal by counting how many places there are to the right of the decimal point. Number of PlacesDecimal NameExample 1tenths0.7 2hundredths0.05 3thousandths0.016
What are mixed decimals? Mixed decimals are numbers with both whole numbers and decimals. We know the name of a whole number by it’s place to the left of the decimal point. In the number , 1 is in the hundreds place, 2 is in the tens place, 8 is in the ones place, 7 is in the tenths place, 6 is in the hundredths place, and 5 is in the thousandths place
How do you read decimals? To read a decimal correctly, first find the decimal point. Whole numbers are to the left of the decimal point; any numbers to the right of a decimal point form a decimal fraction. Say “point” for the decimal point The decimal is read as “two thousand, one hundred sixty-four point five hundred and eleven thousandths”
Zeros after the decimal point Writing extra zeros after the decimal point does not change the value! The decimals 0.2, 0.20, and are equivalent decimals
Here are some practice problems. Let’s do them together. Let’s help each other understand. So… Open your Maths Notebook. Practice
Comparing Fractions to Decimals
Comparing Fractions to Decimals
Comparing Fractions to Decimals
decimals =
decimals =
decimals 74.2 = 70 + ___ = ____ = ___ = ___ ___
decimals 74.2 = 70 + ___ = ____ = ___ = ___ ___
decimals 74.2 = 70 + ___ = ____ = ___ = ___ ___
decimals 74.2 = 70 + ___ = ____ = ___ = ___ ___
decimals 74.2 = 70 + ___ = ____ = ___ = ___ ___ 80 and 0.2