Seattle Public Utilities: Recycling KING5 Custom Research Survey USA 2008 Confidential client communication document. No information may be shared or published without consent of KING5
Page 2 KING5 Custom Research-Survey USA Research Methodology Sample: 500 adults from the City of Seattle. Technique: Telephone surveys conducted by Survey-USA for KING5 Television. Field Dates: July 21-22, 2008 Data Collection: This SurveyUSA poll was conducted by telephone in the voice of a professional announcer. Respondent households were selected at random, using Random Digit Dialing (RDD). All respondents heard the questions asked identically. Respondents answered questions by pressing buttons on their phones. Margin of Error: Overall results considered significant +/- 4.5%. A larger +/- applies to sub-populations, see legend for details.
Page 3 KING5 Custom Research-Survey USA Respondent Profile Results may not add to 100%, because percentages are rounded to whole numbers.
Page 4 KING5 Custom Research-Survey USA Were you aware that Seattle households must now use their recycling bins instead of their garbage containers for recyclable paper, cardboard, cans and bottles and businesses must now keep paper and cardboard out of the garbage? Use Recycle Bins All Respondents
Page 5 KING5 Custom Research-Survey USA Does your household have a yard waste cart collection service? Yard Waste Collection Service All Respondents
Page 6 KING5 Custom Research-Survey USA What do you do with the majority of your table scraps, kitchen scraps, or food waste that your house generates? –Does the majority of it go into your regular trash can? –Down the garbage disposal? –In a yard and food waste container that you take to the curb for pick-up? –Into a compost bin or pile at your home? –Or do you do something else with it? Household Food Waste Respondents Who Have a Yard Waste Cart
Page 7 KING5 Custom Research-Survey USA In the past six months, has the amount of vegetative food scraps and yard clippings you put in your yard waste cart or compost bin increased? Decreased? Or stayed about the same? Amount of Food Waste/Yard Clippings Recycled Respondents Who Have a Yard Waste Cart
Page 8 KING5 Custom Research-Survey USA What is the main reason the amount of vegetative food scraps and yard clippings you put in your cart has increased? –You learned more about what can go in the cart? –You learned more about the benefits of recycling? –You just have more food scraps and yard clippings? –You want to cut waste and save money? –You have a new cart or compost bin? –Or some other reason? Main Reason for Increased Food Waste Recycling Respondents Whose Food Waste Recycling Has Increased
Page 9 KING5 Custom Research-Survey USA Have you seen or heard any information recently on recycling vegetative food scraps or yard clippings? Seen or Heard Information All Respondents
Page 10 KING5 Custom Research-Survey USA Where did you see or hear the information? –TV? –Radio? –Newspaper? –A collection calendar or newsletter mailed to your house? –A community event? –Grocery Store Display? –Friend or neighbor? –Or somewhere else? Where Saw/Heard Information Respondents Who Have Seen/Heard Information
Page 11 KING5 Custom Research-Survey USA Now we'd like to ask you if you have seen any recycling information on TV. First, The animated cartoon commercial that ends with "Recycle. Why Waste a Good Thing?" Have you seen that commercial? Recycle, Why Waste a Good Thing Respondents Who Have Seen/Heard Information
Page 12 KING5 Custom Research-Survey USA A cooking commercial with chefs saying what can go in the yard waste cart. Have you seen that commercial? Cooking Commercial Respondents Who Have Seen/Heard Information
Page 13 KING5 Custom Research-Survey USA Commercial featuring Ciscoe Morris promoting natural yard care. Have you seen that commercial? Ciscoe Morris Commercial Respondents Who Have Seen/Heard Information
Page 14 KING5 Custom Research-Survey USA Have you seen any news stories on TV about recycling? TV News Story Respondents Who Have Seen/Heard Information