Literates & Literacy Rates
Literacy The National Literacy Mission defines literacy as acquiring the skills of reading, writing and arithmetic and the ability to apply them to one's day-to-day life Literacy rate: The total percentage of the population of an area at a particular time aged seven years or above who can read and write with understanding. Here the denominator is the population aged seven years or more.
Number of Literates India : 2001, 2011 A person (aged 7 and above) is considered literate, if he or she can read and write, with understanding, in any language. Sex Change Persons Males Females (in millions)
Literacy Rate India : 2001, Difference ( 2011 – 2001) Persons Males Females (in %) Largest increase: Dadra & Nagar Haveli by 18.6 points (from 57.6% to 76.2%), Bihar by 14.8 points (from 47.0% to 61.8%), Tripura by 14.0 points (from 73.2% to 87.2%) Improvement in Female literacy is higher than males in all States/UTs, except Mizoram (where it is same in both Males and Females) during the decade
Gender Gap in Literacy Rate India , 2011 Gender gap in Literacy Rate is steadily declining in every census. In Census 2011, the gap stands at 16.3 points
The improvement in literacy rate in rural area is two times that in urban areas The rural urban literacy gap which was 21.2 percentage points in 2001, has come down to 16.1 percentage points in Difference Overall India Rural Urban Literacy Rates (in %)
Literacy Rate – Rural Urban Differential India , 2011 Gap between Literacy Rate in Urban and Rural areas is steadily declining in every census. In Census 2011, the gap stands at 16.3 points
Improvement in female literacy is more than males in both rural and urban areas The gender gap in literacy has come down from 24.6 in 2001 to 19.8 in 2011 in rural areas and from 13.4 in 2001 to 9.8 in 2011 in urban areas Difference Males India Rural Urban Females India Rural Urban Literacy Rate - Male/Female (in %)
States/UTs Ranked by Literacy Rate 2011 Top 5 States/UTsBottom 5 States/UTs States/UTs Literacy Rate States/UTs Literacy Rate Kerala94.0Bihar61.8 Lakshadweep91.8Arunachal Pradesh65.4 Mizoram91.3Rajasthan66.1 Goa88.7Jharkhand66.4 Tripura87.2Andhra Pradesh67.0 (In %)
District wise comparison Maximum Literacy rate Hoshiarpur-85.4% SAS nagar- 84.9% Minimum literacy rate Mansa-62.8 Mukatsar-66.8
Rural Urban Literacy Rate
Increment in rural literacy rate in last decade- 7.73% Increment in urban literacy rate in last decade-4.6%
Reasons Behind Declining Literacy Gap Government policies Privitisation Increasing number of schools Public awareness Economic development of people