Friends Checklist Ringer O At the top of the page, check all of the qualities that you look for in a friendship. O Then, choose the top 4 qualities that you look for in a friend, write them down and explain them at the bottom of the page.
Healthy Relationships
Who are the people you have relationships with? O FRIENDS O PARENTS O Girlfriend O BOYFRIEND O Teachers O COACHES O OTHER ADULTS O Co-Workers
In Groups of 4 discuss and fill out your worksheet. (Class discussion after) What does it mean to have a boyfriend or girlfriend? What does dating look like to all of you (define it)? How is dating different from hanging out with a group?
How does having a boyfriend or girlfriend affect a person? O Emotionally? O Socially? O Behaviorally? O Intellectually?
Complete your dating survey by the end of the class period. ***BE THOROUGH AND DETAILED
8 Protective Factors of a Healthy Relationship
Respect O Being accepted and allowed to be who you are O No one should pressure you into doing things you are not comfortable with such as drinking, drugs, or unwanted physical contact.
Safety O Feeling safe both emotionally and physically O Emotional safety means you feel comfortable being you without fear or being put down. O Physical safety means you are not being hurt or pressured into unwanted physical contact
Individuality O Feeling like you can be yourself
Fairness and Equality O Having an equal say in your relationships O Form the activities you do together to the friends you hang out with, you should have equal say in the choices made in your relationships
Acceptance O Friends or girlfriend/boyfriend accepting you for whom you really are O You shouldn’t have to change who are or compromise your beliefs to make someone like you
Honesty and Trust O Honesty builds trust O You can’t have a healthy relationship without trust! O If you have every caught your friend or significant other in a huge lie, you know that it takes time to rebuild your trust
Communication O Talking face-to-face (not just by text) about your feelings O Listen to one another and hear each other out O Text message, Facebook or MySpace messages should be respectful, not mean, hurtful or inappropriate.
The Notebook Pay attention to the poor communication skills being used in this clip. What should they do differently?