Solid-State Circuits / Circuit and System Joint Chapter Solid-State Circuits / Circuit and System Joint Chapter IEEE Central Texas Section Spring Planning Meeting January 26, 2013 San Marcos, TX
IEEE Central Texas Section Chapter Leadership Team l Chair: Zhuo Li (IBM, l Vice Chair: Nan Sun (UT Austin, l Treasurer: Mikel Ash (TI, l Secretary: Seth Wilk (SJT Micropower, l Advisor l Matt Felder
IEEE Central Texas Section Chapter Updates l Meeting location: UT Campus ENS 306 or ACES l Fifteen technical seminars in l One workshop (> 40% surplus, more than $2000). l Data Parallelism for Multi-Core Chips and GPU l All day workshop held on 10/27/2012 and seven speakers from IBM, AMD, Altera, ARM, Texas A&M, UT Austin. 74 number of attendees from industry and academia l The workshop story will be published in SSCS Magazine l Dr. Seth Wilk joined as Secretary, Mikel Ash transitioned to Treasurer role
IEEE Central Texas Section 2012 Chapter Meetings DateTechnical/Adm in TopicSpeaker# pl 01/17/12TechnicalIntegrated Systems for a Smarter PlanetDr. Peter Hoftsee (IBM)15 02/07/12TechnicalUltra Low Power Electronics in the Next DecadeAjith Amerasekera (TI)44 03/27/12TechnicalAnnual Review of ISSCC Processor and Memory Matt Felder, Josh Friedrich, Dr. Ramin K. Poorfard and Dr. Betty Prince 23 04/03/12TechnicalAnnual Review of ISSCC Analog and RFMatt Felder, Josh Friedrich, Dr. Ramin K. Poorfard and Dr. Betty Prince 29 05/29/12TechnicalWhat is ESD? Why is it important for Electrical Engineers? Ajay Kuma (TI)13 06/26/12TechnicalSSCS Inaugural Webinar Event - "Dark Secrets of RF Design" Dr. Tom Lee (Stanford)20 07/06/12TechnicalBridging Design and Manufacture of Analog/Mixed-Signal Circuits in Advanced CMOS Dr. Alvin Loke (AMD)12 07/10/12TechnicalMemory and Memory Related Technology Trends at the June 2012 VLSI Symposium Dr. Betty Prince (Memory Strategies International) 20 08/10/12TechnicalIEEE CASS Distinguished Lecture: Ultra Low Power Analog Integrated Circuits for Implantable Medical Devices Dr. Fernando Silveira (Universidad de la República) 22 08/30/12TechnicalIEEE SSCS Distinguished Lecture: Energy Limits in Current A/D Converter Architectures Dr. Boris Murmann (Stanford) 45
IEEE Central Texas Section 2012 Chapter Meetings DateTechnical/Adm in TopicSpeaker# pl 10/03/12TechnicalIEEE CTS CAS/SSC/CEDA Joint Meeting with UT ECE Department: Opportunities and Challenges for High Performance Microprocessor Designs and Design Automation Ruchir Puri (Fellow, IBM Watson Research Center) 61 10/11/12TechnicalIEEE SSCS Distinguished Lecture: VCO-based Quantizers: Has Their Time Arrived? IEEE SSCS Distinguished Lecture: A Low Noise Temperature-to-Digital Converter for a High Stability MEMS-Based Oscillator Prof. Michael H. Perrott (Masdar Institute in Abu Dhabi) 38 10/24/12TechnicalIEEE CTS CTCN/CAS/SSC/CEDA/WIE/LM Joint Meeting: "Legendary Engineering Success Stories" Gary Daniels (GIT Satellite Communications) /27/12WorkshopIEEE CTS CAS/SSC/CEDA Workshop– “Data Parallelism for multi-core chips and GPU" 74 11/19/12TechnicalIEEE CTS I&M/CAS/SSC Joint Meeting -- "RF Measurement Systems for Demanding RF Applications of Today and Tomorrow" Jaffar Shah, National Instruments 17 12/13/12TechnicalIEEE CTS CEDA/CAS/SSC Joint Meeting – “Placement for Next Decade” Chuck Alpert, IBM20
IEEE Central Texas Section SWOT Analysis l Strengths l Good technical talks, DL program. l Stable attendance rate. l So far one workshop per year in last three years and one planned for this year. l Good leadership pipeline. l Stable funding resource from CAS and SSC Society. l Extra subsidy funding from CAS and SSC for workshop or extra events to promote memberships. l Weaknesses l Find more good technical talks and workshop topics. l Increase attendance rate.
IEEE Central Texas Section SWOT Analysis l Opportunities l Local chip design and EDA companies l University of Texas, Austin l Threats l Seminars inside companies and Universities l A less interesting workshop may get cancelled or need more funding.
IEEE Central Texas Section Chapter Plans / Issues l Continue ISSCC annual review. l Invite Distinguished Lecture Program speakers. l Four Technical seminars on the Calendar so far and two are pending. l March 8 Workshop: IEEE CTS CAS/SSC Workshop: Texas Workshop on Integrated System Exploration (TexasWISE) l l Speakers from Stanford, MIT, Rice, and UT Dallas l Free registration and food. Cap at 150 people. l Please take one CFP and Call-for-poster flyer (for students)
IEEE Central Texas Section