Basketball 101 PE/Health Class
Things to Remember! Update your Table of Contents. -Date: 4/23/14 -Title of Assignment: Basketball Notes -Standards: WC 1.1 -Page #: Vocabulary Index (Include page #): Words to be included today are: offense, defense, rebound, shot, dribble, foul, turnover, block, steal, free throw, take out, out of bounds, travel, double dribble, pivot, jump-ball. DO NOT copy what is in RED bold, only BLACK!! Anything in GREEN is a question for you to answer only.
History of Basketball Research: The game of basketball was created in 1891 by Dr. James Naismith in Springfield, Massachusetts. He created the game because he was looking for another way to condition his football players. He started the games with peach baskets for hoops and a soccer style ball. The main goal of the game was to run back and forth while trying to put the ball in the peach baskets. Someone suggested that the game should be called “Naismith Game” but he said “we have a ball and a basket: so why don’t we call it basketball?”.
Rules and Terminology (CN) Offense: Defense: Rebound: Shot: when you or someone on your team has the ball when your team does not have the ball grabbing the ball after it hits the backboard or rim after a shot attempt is the attempt to make a basket
Rules and Terminology cont…(CN) Dribble: Foul: Turnover: Block: to bounce the ball repeatedly while running or walking a violation resulting from illegal contact with an opposing player losing possession of the ball to the other team without a shot attempt to interfere or come in contact with the ball as the offensive player is shooting
Rules and Terminology cont…(CN) Free Throw: Take Out: Out of Bounds: Travel shot attempts at the free-throw line after a shooting foul when you or someone on your team passes the ball in bounds after a made basket or any type of stoppage in the game when someone or the ball steps on or outside the boundary lines when a player takes more than two steps without dribbling
Rules and Terminology cont…(CN) Steal: Jump Ball: Double Dribble: Pivot: to take the basketball away from the opposing team when two opposing player both have control of the basketball violation of dribbling the ball with two hands, or stopping and restarting the dribble moving with the basketball while one foot is planted to the ground
Players and Positions (CN) Guards: Forwards: Center: are typically players who are fast, good 3 point shooters, and are typically smaller than forwards and centers are typically players who are bigger than guards but smaller than centers. These type of players typically have the most talent and have a mixture of skills are the tallest players on the court and usually are important for rebounding and shot blocking
Basketball Diagram
Rules for Our Games Teams will consist of about 7 players each with a fair amount of girls and boys 6 th graders will play against 6 th graders 7 th & 8 th graders will play against each other Each game starts with a jump ball Every basket is worth 2 points, team with most points wins
Rules Continued… Any complaining or defiance will result in removal from the game All players must participate Teams must pass the ball at least 2 times before making a shot attempt Ball must be taken out on the side if there is any violations that occur No inappropriate language!!!
Complete the Following Write 3 complete sentences using any 3 or more vocabulary words we learned today.