WIE – Graduate Academic Career Path Workshop uwaterloo.ca/career-action
WATERLOO | CENTRE FOR CAREER ACTION Elisabeth Adrian Career Advisor Centre for Career Action Tatham Centre X Facilitator
WATERLOO | CENTRE FOR CAREER ACTION We work with: »Regular & co-op; undergrad & graduate; all levels On: »Job search tactics (e.g. résumé, interview, networking) »Career strategy (e.g. career exploration) »Grad school prep (e.g. application review, admission interview practise) Through: »Individual appointments, workshops, events, print & online resources (e.g. Career Development eManual), job postings uwaterloo.ca/career-action 3 Centre for Career Action
WATERLOO | CENTRE FOR CAREER ACTION »Less than 20% of PhD’s land academic positions (University Affairs, 2011) »39% of grad students change career goals during their studies (Wendler et al, 2012) »Many PhD graduates leave university without a firm understanding of their work options (U.S. Center for Innovation and Research in Graduate Education) »It takes six months, on average, to find a job (MTCU, 2012) 4 But I just got here! (Is this relevant to me?)
WATERLOO | CENTRE FOR CAREER ACTION »Integrate career planning & prep into grad studies »Explore both academic and industry options: »Attend workshops »Talk to people in related fields »Pay attention to what excites you or inspires curiosity »Keep your eye on labour market trends »Read about career options & collect job postings »Track your skill development & accomplishments 5 Take ACTION
WATERLOO | CENTRE FOR CAREER ACTION »Full length: 1 hour long »Book in advance »Drop-in: 15 minutes »12:00-1:00pm daily »Career Advisors are “on call” uwaterloo.ca/career-action 7 Appointments
WATERLOO | CENTRE FOR CAREER ACTION »Career exploration & decision-making »Résumé, CV & cover letter critiques »Work search »Mock interviews (for jobs or professional schools) »Grad/professional school planning »Grad/professional school application reviews uwaterloo.ca/career-action 8 Appointments, cont’d
WATERLOO | CENTRE FOR CAREER ACTION »Career exploration and decision making »Exploring your personality type »Work search strategies »Professional school options »Interview skills »Business etiquette and professionalism »Networking 101 »Thinking about an international experience uwaterloo.ca/career-action 9 Workshops
WATERLOO | CENTRE FOR CAREER ACTION »Careers 601 »So you want to be an academic »Preparing for difficult conversations with your supervisor »Teaching philosophy statement »Writing CVs and cover letters »Academic interviews »Interview skills for academic positions 10 Workshops exclusively for grad students & post-docs
WATERLOO | CENTRE FOR CAREER ACTION »Successfully Negotiating Academic Job Offers »Writing Successful Grant Proposals »Careers Beyond Academia »MITACS workshops: »presentation skills (1 day) »project management (2 days) »How to Start Your Own Business »Non-academic Work Search and Networking 11 Workshops exclusively for grad students & post-docs, cont’d
WATERLOO | CENTRE FOR CAREER ACTION »Career Fair (Sep 25, 2013) »Volunteer/Internship Fair (Sept 18, 2013) »Professional & Post-degree Days (Oct 16-17, 2013) »Job Fair (Feb 5, 2014) 12 Big Events
WATERLOO | CENTRE FOR CAREER ACTION »Career Development eManual »Career Cruising »CHOICES Planner »Type Focus »The BIG Guide to Living & Working Overseas »JobMine jobmine.uwaterloo.ca uwaterloo.ca/career-action 14 Online Resources
WATERLOO | CENTRE FOR CAREER ACTION »University Affairs: Career Advice »Versatile PhD - »Centre for Career Action listserv »Inside Higher Ed We also recommend…
WATERLOO | CENTRE FOR CAREER ACTION 17 Employer info sessions uwaterloo.ca/career-action/other-services/employer-information- sessions
WATERLOO | CENTRE FOR CAREER ACTION 18 Questions? Elisabeth Adrian Jennifer Woodside