Commandments for PowerPoint
You should use the 7-by-7 rule. No more than 7 lines on a slide No more than 7 words per line. No long sentences.
You should not use fonts smaller than 28-point. Limit 3 fonts per presentation. Don’t use UPPERCASE. Sans serif fonts are best.
You should not use busy backgrounds or ineffective colors. Use the same background throughout. Light fonts on a dark background are best for projection. Dark fonts on a light background are best for printed slides.
You should not complicate slides with too many figures and tables. If a large table needs to be part of a presentation, break it into chunks on several slides and focus on one aspect of it at a time.
You should use animation, audio, and pictures in moderation. Use pictures and audio to enhance your message, instead of letting them become the message. Use one transition per slide.
You should acknowledge all references used. When you use a quote, table, figure, or summarize someone else’s work, cite the source.
You should not read the slides word for word. Use the slides as guides for a presentation.
You should use proper spelling and grammar. Use Spell Check—Review>Proofing> Spelling
You should practice. PowerPoint is only a tool—one you need to use with poise and confidence.
You should allow the listener time to process the slides. Don’t put up a slide and then skip over it—that’s very confusing. Always allow time for questions and encourage your audience to ask them.