IPM Florida, the UF, IFAS Integrated Pest Management Program Nursery IPM Projects Coordinated by IPM Florida, the UF, IFAS Integrated Pest Management Program Norm Leppla, Director
Nursery IPM for FNGLA What is IPM? IPM Florida Why we have pests Nursery IPM projects Additional resources IPM information
What is IPM? IPM is the coordinated use of pest and environmental information and available pest control methods To prevent unacceptable levels of pest damage by the most economical means With the least possible hazard to people, property and the environment
Scouting Diagnosis Thresholds Management Approach
Tactics of IPM Sustainability Sustainability Cultural Practices Cultural Practices Biological Control Biological Control Chemical Control Chemical Control Physical Methods Physical Methods
IPM Florida provides statewide, interdisciplinary and inter-unit coordination and assistance for UF, IFAS integrated pest management research, extension and education faculty.
To improve the economic benefits of adopting IPM practices and to reduce potential risks to human health and the environment caused by the pests themselves or by the use of pest management practices National IPM Program Goals
Nursery IPM Profitability- cost of pest management (knowledge, licensing, storage, reporting, equipment, resistance management, invasive species) Human health- worker protection (pesticide application, reentry) Environmental safety- surface and ground water, air pollution
Why Do We Have Pest Outbreaks? Alien Invasive Species Local Invasions Pesticide Resistance Disrupted Environments Perceptions
Local Invasions
Pesticide Resistance The (mistaway) system uses a bio-degradable insecticide derived from the chrysanthemum flower called pyrethrum.
Disrupted Environments
Perceptions Perceptions
IPM Florida Grants Agriculture Urban IPM Mosquito control IPM Education Landscape IPM Mole Cricket IPM Nursery IPM Weed Management Extension Agents Extension Specialists YOU!
Grants Showcase Urban/School IPM Nursery IPMPublic HealthLandscape IPM Weed Management IPM EducationAgricultureMole Cricket IPM
NURSERY IPM Orchid IPMIPM for Pinellas Co. Nurseries Nursery ScoutsIPM Scout Training
Additional IFAS Resources for Nursery IPM
Ask Extension Recent Additions IPM Florida Website Planning Scouting Pest Identification Tactics Measuring IPM Invasive Species GMOs Soil Quality Water Quality/BMPs About IPM Florida Contact Us What is IPM Success Stories ChemSearch Projects Reports Extension Resources Training UF/IFAS Grants Funding Employment Events Our Listserv Related Links Site Map
ChemSearch provides rapid searching of label information. Search criteria consist of any combination of: crop or site pest(s) state/county manufacturer product name type of product (herbicide, insecticide, etc.) application time label type (24C etc.)
Home Department People Student Services Academic ProgramsDepartmentPeopleStudent ServicesAcademic Programs "Bug" Info and Publications Outreach"Bug" Info and PublicationsOutreach
Certificate in Pest Control Technology 24 credits of course work selected from the certificates in Urban Pest Mgmt. and Landscape Pest Mgmt.
Certificate in Landscape Pest Management (15 credits from this list of courses) Principles of Entomology/Graduate Survey (2) General Entomology Laboratory (1) Insect Pest and Vector Management (3) Fundamentals of Pest Management (3) Fundamentals of Plant Pathology (3/4) Landscape IPM: Ornamentals and Turf (3) Tree and Shrub Insects (3) Principles of Nematology (3)
Dr. Robert J. McGovern Professor and Director Ext. 213 Dr. Jarvier Garces Plant Health Specialist Skinner Nurseries Jacksonville, FL
Licenses and Certification Exams CEU Programs Labels & MSDS Chemically Speaking Newsletter Fact Sheets & Publications Contacts for Pesticide Questions
Plant Disease Clinic Dr. Robert J. McGovern, Director, Plant Pathologist Regional Director: Dr. Gail C. Wisler, Professor and Chair Insect and Mite Update Information related to new or increasingly significant pest problems. PESTUP-L Dr. Lance S. Osborne, Professor
Trade Shows
Ecolabeling Components Chain of Custody Standards Certification Marketing 3 rd Party Auditor Education & Outreach Eco-Label
The objective is to create a measurable increase in the number of producers of woody ornamentals using reduced risk practices and products by creating a credible IPM certification program Increasing Adoption of IPM in the Production of Woody Ornamentals
Reduce Pesticide Use and Risk Through IPM A. Biological knowledge B. Monitoring and Inspection C. Act to Control Pests When Necessary D. Choose Least-Risk Options E. Long-Term, Preventative Practices F. Evaluation and Records G. Pesticide Management H. Continual Improvement
IPM Florida Project Coordination
For more information on IPM in Nurseries For more information on IPM in Nurseries