Rhiza Jane Labawig IT Fundamentals-1 Mrs. Conception Natividad
Social Network - Allows you to connect with other people.
Bookmarking site - Allows you to save and organize.
Social News - Allows people to post various news.
Media Sharing - Allows you to upload and share.
Micro Blogging - Services that focus on short updates.
Blog Comments and Forums - Forums allow members to hold conversations.
OBJECTIVES Determine Business Objectives for Social Media. Determine the prospects and customers. Target your three-five main topics. Take ownership of your firm’s name. Make it easy to measure your results. Set parameters for social media use.
Help businesses in variety of ways. The increasing popularity of social sites. They removed communication and interaction barriers. Unite people on a huge platform.
Social Media this leads to addiction. Kids can be affected by Social Media. The user shares too much information.
References social-media effects-of-social-media-on-society/ a-social-media-business-strategy/