CHARACTER REALLY COUNTS Character Education For Adolescents
WHAT IS CHARACTER? Character is comprehensively defined to include thinking, feeling, and behavior. As individuals grow in character they develop an increasingly refined understanding of the core values, a deeper commitment to living according to those values, and a stronger tendency to behavior in accordance with those values (Josephson, 1998).
WHY IS CHARACTER IMPORTANT ? Character development is an intrinsic value. Understanding the core values of the six pillars of character is the first step to building personal character. Beedy, J and Gough, R. (2000) Weakness of Attitude Becomes Weakness of Character. Albert Einstein ( )
SIX PILLARS OF CHARACTER Trustworthiness Responsibility Caring Respect Fairness Citizenship
TRUSTWORTHINESS Be honest. Don’t deceive, cheat, or steal. Be reliable-do what you say you will do. Have the courage to do the right thing. Build a good reputation. Be loyal-stand by your family, friends and country.
RESPECT Treat others with respect. Be tolerant of differences. Use good manners, not bad language. Be considerate of the feelings of others. Don’t threaten, hit or hurt anyone. Deal peacefully with anger, insults and disagreements.
RESPONSIBILITY Do what you are supposed to do. Persevere: keep on trying! Always do your best. Use self-control; be self- disciplined. Think before you act- consider consequences. Be accountable for your choices.
FAIRNESS Play by the rules. Take turns and share. Be open-minded, listen to others. Don’t take advantage of others. Don’t blame others carelessly.
CITIZENSHIP Do your share to make your school and community better. Cooperate. Stay informed; vote Be a good neighbor. Obey laws and rules. Respect authority. Protect the environment.
All human beings have failings, all human beings have needs and temptations and stresses. Men and women who live together through long years get to know one another's failings; but they also come to know what is worthy of respect and admiration in those they live with and in themselves. If at the end one can say, “This man used to the limit the powers that granted him; he was worthy of love and respect and of the sacrifices of many people, made in order that he might achieve what he deemed to be his task, then that life has been lived well and there are no regrets. --Eleanor Roosevelt REMEMBER: CHARACTER REALLY COUNTS
References Beedy, J.P., (2000). Lessons from the field. Community Youth Development Journal, Summer. Gough, R.,(1997) Building Character through sports. Character Building for a Democratic Civil Society (Task Force Reports) Washington, D.C. Josephson, J., (1998), Good Ideas to Help Young People Develop Good Character, Pace Publishing. Web Sites: