ISP 700 MHz Transition Presentation to SIEC July 28, 2011
INTEROPERABILITY ISSUES Still need to maintain ISP’s UHF repeater system Maintain communications with counties on VHF, UHF and 700 MHz Decreasing budget for ISP and limited grant opportunities New radios are very expensive, double the existing UHF radio cost
Existing UHF Repeater Sites
INTEROPERABILITY Solutions Purchased 30 UHF repeaters PSIC funds purchased MHz Repeaters Install this year 30 UHF / 700 MHz repeaters in a coupled cross band configuration 1.Ability to interoperate with either UHF or 700 MHz agencies
32 site cross band repeater contours
INTEROPERABILITY Solutions Purchased 200 in-vehicle repeaters to be coupled with the UHF mobile to provide increased portable radio coverage 1.Requires 700 MHz portable radios to operate 2.Interim solution until dual band 700 MHz - VHF mobiles are purchased for Patrol vehicles 3.Will interface with 700 MHz mobile when installed
INTEROPERABILITY Solutions To date purchased MHz portable radios utilizing grant funds and re-tasking existing funds Purchased 700 MHz replacement mobiles and portables for all ISP Investigations personnel re-tasking existing ISP funds last FY Investigations to start ISP’s migration to 700 MHz
INTEROPERABILITY Solutions Narrow banding existing UHF repeaters, mobiles and portable – FCC 2013 Deadline – Implement this year Repercussions for doing nothing – Loss of FCC license – Up to $16, fine per day - per violation
INTEROPERABILITY Solutions Request for funding – 48 Cross band Repeaters – 208 dual band 700/VHF mobile radios – MHz portable radios