LONG TERM VISION FOR THE UHF BROADCASTING BAND FORECAST 2014, Shaping future broadcasting EBU, Geneva 5-6 November 2014 Session 1 – How will the UHF band be used in the next decade? CEPT ECC TG 6 Chairman Jaime Afonso
Task Group 6 Long Term Vision for the UHF Broadcasting band Creation of Task Group 6 (June 2013): CEPT initiative to address the long term vision for the UHF band Focus on MHz Main topics Technical studies Socio/economic and cultural issues Regulatory aspects Produce an ECC report by mid-2014 (ECC Report 224)
Terms of Reference of TG6 TG6 studies DID NOT specifically address the 700 MHz band issues review spectrum requirements consider the ongoing WRC-15 activities ECC Report 224 DOES address the existing situation evolution of technology, networks and services set of indicators the description and assessment of scenarios cross-border coordination issues …
The background The “UHF broadcasting band” Strategic vision, focusing in the MHz band; Consider the demand and supply, e.g. broadcasting, wireless broadband and other applications; Harmonised technical approach; 862 MHz “Salami slicing” ?
Current related activities World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC-15) MHz band allocated to mobile service as from 2015 Additional spectrum allocations to the mobile service EC Mandate for 700 MHz Preferred technical channelling arrangement Common least restrictive technical conditions (block-edge mask) Consider applications such as PPDR and PMSE Radio Spectrum Policy Programme (Decision nº 243/2012/EU) Identification of 1200 MHz to satisfy the wireless broadband demand Support other wireless communications policies (e.g. further development of innovative audiovisual media and other services)
Setting the scene The “diversity” Current role of DTT Expiry dates of the existing rights of use: large variation “Salami slicing” ? Required amount of spectrum in the band MHz for DTT No of Countries 224 MHz2 Between 224 and 320 MHz4 320 MHz16 >320 MHz1 To be determined
Strategic elements Evolution of platforms DTT: technologies/formats (e.g. resolution, compression, modulation) Cellular networks (LTE broadcast) Evolution of PMSE The regulatory environment (e.g. Geneva 06) Coexistence/cooperation of different platforms Indicators (linear, non-linear consumption, type and lifecycles of devices, etc..)
Long term vision – the scenarios TG6 considered a number of scenarios Described in four classes : Class A: Primary usage of the band by existing and future DVB terrestrial networks Class B: Hybrid usage of the band by downlink LTE and/or DVB terrestrial networks Class C: Hybrid usage of the band by conventional two-way (uplink and downlink ) LTE mobile broadband and/or DVB terrestrial networks Class D: Usage of the band by future communication technologies
The compatibility constraints Summary of the analysis Coexistence between a cellular uplink and a broadcast or cellular downlink network is difficult and challenging Class AClass BClass C Class A Class B Class C Criteria 1: Technically feasible with similar technologies and network architectures as currently available. Criteria 2: similar bilateral coordination issues already dealt with. Criteria 1: Technically feasible with similar technologies and network architectures as currently available. Criteria 2: new bilateral coordination methodology need to be developed. Criteria 1: Technically feasible with similar technologies and network architectures as currently available. Criteria 2: requires a Region-wide harmonization (frequency plan and schedule). Criteria 1: Technically difficult and challenging assuming similar technologies and network architectures as they are nowadays
Main conclusions (1/2) Administrations shall consider, among others: their national legal and regulatory framework the implications for the audiovisual industry and user expectations a realistic time frame for the transition towards a new scenario Expected developments Broadcasting services will continue to evolve The delivery mechanisms (linear services vs on-demand services) Evolution in DTT technology (e.g. to support larger SFNs) Delivery of broadcast and multicast content through LTE Sufficient interference free PMSE spectrum needs to be provided
Main conclusions (2/2) Monitoring the developments/assumptions is key Coexistence of different scenarios/classes needs to be taken into account In order to facilitate the different needs/requirements, it could be necessary to introduce more flexibility in the regulatory environment The long term usage of the band mainly foreseen for downstream audiovisual content distribution
TG6 - LONG TERM VISION FOR THE UHF BROADCASTING BAND Session 1 – How will the UHF band be used in the next decade? FORECAST 2014, Shaping future broadcasting EBU, Geneva 5-6 November 2014 END OF PRESENTATION