National Incident Management System (NIMS) Jim Reardon Michigan State Police Emergency Management Division
Homeland Security Presidential Directive (HSPD)-5 1. Consistent nationwide approach for all levels of government to work effectively and efficiently. 2. Provide a comprehensive national approach to incident management at all jurisdictional levels and across functional disciplines.
Homeland Security Presidential Directive (HSPD)-5 3. Flexibility 4. Standardized a. Processes b. Procedures c. Systems
NIMS Ideology First responders have been practicing various methods in preparing for, responding to, and recovering from an incident over the years. First responders have been practicing various methods in preparing for, responding to, and recovering from an incident over the years. The best methods have been identified, gathered and placed into this one incident management system to be used consistently on a nation wide basis – NIMS. The best methods have been identified, gathered and placed into this one incident management system to be used consistently on a nation wide basis – NIMS.
NIMS Integration Center (NIC) 1. NIC was established to support a. Routine maintenance b. Continuous Refinement 2. Contacting NIC a. Tx.: (202) b. c. Web:
NIMS Components Command and management Command and management Preparedness Preparedness Resource management Resource management Communications and information management Communications and information management Supporting technologies Supporting technologies Ongoing management and maintenance Ongoing management and maintenance
Command and Management Incident Command System Incident Command System a. Common terminology b. Organizational resources c. Manageable span of control d. Organizational facilities e. Position titles f. Incident Action Planning g. Integrated communications h. Accountability
Preparedness Planning Planning Training and equipping Training and equipping Exercising Exercising Evaluating and taking corrective action Evaluating and taking corrective action
Resource Management 1. Establishing systems a. Describing b. Inventorying c. Requesting d. Tracking 2. Activating those systems 3. Dispatching resources 4. Recalling resources
Communications and Information Management 1. NIMS provides a common operating picture and interoperability for a. Incident management communications b. Information management 2. NIMS Integration Center will develop a national database for incident reports
Layered Response Strategy Capabilities and Resources Federal Response Regional / Mutual Response Systems State Response Increasing magnitude and severity Local Response, Municipal and County MinimalLowMediumHighCatastrophic
NIMS Compliancy 1. FY 2005 – Start up year for NIMS 2. FY 2006 – Funding will be contingent on certifying 2005 NIMS requirements are met 3. FY 2007 – Full compliancy required for Federal assistance
FY 2005 NIMS Compliancy Requirements - State 1. Incorporate NIMS into existing training and exercise programs 2. Ensure Federal funding support NIMS implementation 3. Incorporate NIMS into Emergency Operations Plans 4. Promote Mutual Aid Agreements 5. Coordinate and provide assistance to local entities regarding NIMS 6. Institutionalizing the use of ICS
FY 2005 NIMS Compliancy Requirements - Local Complete NIMS IS-700 awareness course Complete NIMS IS-700 awareness course Adopt NIMS principles and policies Adopt NIMS principles and policies Determine requirements that have been met. Determine requirements that have been met. Develop a timeframe for full NIMS implementation by FY06. Develop a timeframe for full NIMS implementation by FY06. Adopt and institutionalize the use of ICS. Adopt and institutionalize the use of ICS. (most important)
Formal Recognition of NIMS Adopting NIMS principles and policies Adopting NIMS principles and policies 1. Legislation 2. Executive orders 3. Resolutions 4. Ordinances
Establish a NIMS Baseline 1. Determine where you are compliant 2. Identify gaps 3. Develop strategies to address those gaps 4. NIC assistance
To receive FY06 preparedness funds, applicants need to certify in their grant applications that they have fulfilled the FY05 NIMS requirements.
Draft implementation process 1. NIMS/NRP Training IS-700 & IS-800 courses 2. Establish Legislation Adoption as an official document 3. Develop Baseline Local coordination & NIMCAST 4. Adopt ICS Basic / advanced level of training 5. Incorporate NIMS into Plans Begin to revise plans to incorporate NIMS
NIMCAST A self assessment tool in determining your capabilities and compliance with the requirements. A self assessment tool in determining your capabilities and compliance with the requirements. It identifies which components are lacking and what additional actions and resources are needed to effectively participate in the NIMS. It identifies which components are lacking and what additional actions and resources are needed to effectively participate in the NIMS.
Resources NIMS Integration Center (202) Mark Wesley MSP/Emergency Management Division (517) Dave Wood MSP/Emergency Management Division (517) Jim Reardon MSP/Emergency Management Division (517)