BELL WORK: DAY 1 Scan the available QR codes for washing dishes. Open the article for washing dishes. (How to Clean Stuff) What are the basic steps for.


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Presentation transcript:

BELL WORK: DAY 1 Scan the available QR codes for washing dishes. Open the article for washing dishes. (How to Clean Stuff) What are the basic steps for washing dishes? Open the site. Wait for further instructions.

PLAN FOR TODAY... (FB-12) I can accomplish varied lab duties required for successful lab completion. (Focus on Dishwasher and Manager) Dishwashing Bell Work and Discussion Island Diagram Clean-up Activity- Kitchen Prep Begin Safety Questions

BELL WORK: DAY 2 Write the following questions, and answer while watching the “kitchen fires”, youtube video: Why do most kitchen fires occur? What is the best option for putting out a grease/oil fire? Write two tips for kitchen fire prevention.

PLAN FOR TODAY... (FB-1) I can define SAFETY and its importance, in our working environment. Kitchen Fires Bell Work Division of Jobs Sheet – Who does each job, and when Lab Evaluation Form – Grades During Formative and Summative Labs Safety Contract Must be signed by all who want to cook! One copy stays with you, the other to your teacher

BELL WORK: DAY 3 In preparing for your first FCS lab, what skills will you and your group members need, to be successful?

PLAN FOR TODAY... (FB-5) I can work cooperatively, with others, to complete lab tasks. What is it lab? Use the individual skills each person provides, and your available kitchen supplies to attempt to complete this lab. Your teacher will be observing your work! Work on “What is it?” lab questions. Finish for tomorrow.

BELL WORK: DAY 4 Before evaluating your lab product explain whether you believe you and your group members were successful. Why or why not?

PLAN FOR TODAY... (FB-20) I can evaluate personal and group lab practices to determine successes and note improvement, as needed. Evaluate “What is it lab?” product Evaluate “What is it lab?” practice Discuss questions -

BELL WORK: DAY 5 Scan the available QR code to take the BBQ safety quiz. After answering question #9 visit the Food Safety Facts page by touching the right arrow. To complete your bell work, paraphrase facts 5 and 9 on your Ipad.

PLAN FOR TODAY... (FB-2) I can identify and practice knowledge and techniques utilized for proper safety and sanitation, in food preparation. Food Safety Myths Presentation website activity

BELL WORK: DAY 6 Pick up the “How Well Can You Measure?” handout in Kitchen 2. Complete on your own. Answer Question in Bell Work Document: If you are baking with 1 c., ½ c., 1/3 c., and ¼ c. measuring tools why is it important to understand the basic math used in this handout?

PLAN FOR TODAY... (FB-4) I can follow directions required for successful lab completion. Measuring Basics Demonstration Measuring Study Kitchen Math Brownie Lab Recipe

BELL WORK: DAY 7 Describe how to correctly measure the following ingredients: Flour Milk Baking Powder

PLAN FOR TODAY... (FB-3) I can demonstrate accurate measuring techniques needed for successful lab completion. (FB-15) I can demonstrate the use of fundamental materials and techniques required to successfully operate, a microwave oven. Brownie Lab Complete all of the steps of the recipe Bring warm pan to large cooling rack Bring labeled tin foil and set beneath warm pan on the correct spot.

BELL WORK: DAY 8 In your recipe for lab you were asked to use a wooden spoon, for mixing. Why? Could you have used an electric mixer?

PLAN FOR TODAY... (FB-20) I can evaluate personal and group lab practices to determine successes and note improvement, as needed. Brownie Lab Evaluation Continue Measuring Study & Kitchen Math Concepts

BELL WORK: DAY 9 In the space below describe how to successfully measure: Margarine/Butter Sugar Vanilla Extract

PLAN FOR TODAY... Bell Work Submission- SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT If time, Cooking Terms Crossword

BELL WORK: DAY 10 What is yeast? Describe the function of yeast, in a recipe. During the demonstration, describe the process of kneading.

PLAN FOR TODAY... (FB-4) I can follow directions required for successful lab completion. (FB-19) I can demonstrate understanding and application of equivalent measures. Pretzel Lab Demonstration

BELL WORK: DAY 11 How does each of the listed ingredients affect the yeast: Warm water Sugar Salt

PLAN FOR TODAY... (FB-18) I can demonstrate basic kneading techniques required for successful yeast bread completion. Pretzel Lab: Day 1 Complete Pretzel Yeast Dough Store in labeled, greased zip-lock bag

BELL WORK: Day 12 If you did not store your dough in the refrigerator, overnight, how would you set your dough up to rise, before baking? Explain what you would need to do.

PLAN FOR TODAY... (FB-6) I can demonstrate a positive work attitude while completing all group activities, in class. (FB-4) I can follow directions required for successful lab completion. Pretzel Lab: Day 2 Form pretzels and bake

BELL WORK: DAY 13 For bell work, watch the video demonstration and record any measuring mistakes you notice. U6Wqw U6Wqw Keep in mind that all remaining labs will evaluate measuring skills, in addition to other introduced techniques.

PLAN FOR TODAY... (FB-4) I can follow directions required for successful lab completion. (FB-9) I can understand the differences between quick and yeast bread products. Demonstration: Pancake Recipe Video Selection of recipe/ Grocery Slip G.O. for Quick and Yeast Breads

BELL WORK: DAY 14 Scan the available QR code to take you to the Baking Basics Website: Compare and Contrast the three methods used to make Quick Breads How are the methods different from one another. HINT: Look at the steps, for each!

PLAN FOR TODAY... (FB-10) I can utilize effective time management practices to successfully complete labs. (FB-11) I can demonstrate responsible behaviors, at all times, in my work. Day 1: Pancake Lab Measure and store dry ingredients Kitchen Math Review

BELL WORK: DAY 14 Watch the video for making Banana Bread Based on the recipe, which “Quick Bread Method” is used to combine ingredients? How did you determine this?

BELL WORK: DAY 15 Describe the difference between “Quick” and “Yeast” breads. List two examples of each type.

PLAN FOR TODAY... (FB-13) I can perform necessary skills to control time and temperature, in the preparation of food products, during lab. (FB-14) I can demonstrate the fundamental skills to operate an oven and stovetop, for recipe completion. Pancake Lab: Day 2 Complete lab, eat pancakes and clean-up

BELL WORK: DAY 16 Write three tips/suggestions for making healthy smoothies.

PLAN FOR TODAY... (FB-8) I can read and interpret basic recipe parts, including abbreviations, terms and cooking techniques. (FB-4) I can follow directions required for successful lab completion. Smoothie & Pizza Lab Plan Day: Ingredient Grocery Slip & Recipe for both Begin written portion of final for Pizza Lab

BELL WORK: DAY 17 Prepare for Quick Demonstration List 3 tips to safely and successfully make a smoothie recipe, in a blender. Tips may relate to safety, set-up and/or ingredient prep for blender use

PLAN FOR TODAY... (FB-16) I can demonstrate knowledge of safety and technique to operate small appliances, during lab tasks. (FB-17) I can assess the nutritional content of a food product completed, during lab, using appropriate technology. Smoothie Lab Nutritional Assessment on Smoothie Lab Calorie King Only Extra Credit of the Quarter

BELL WORK: DAY 18 Where you successful in making a pudgy pie at the Eau Claire Dells? Why or why not? What other foods have you made while cooking over a campfire?

PLAN FOR TODAY... (FB-3) I can demonstrate accurate measuring techniques needed for successful lab completion. (FB-7) I can demonstrate proper safety techniques through all components of lab work. (FB-18) I can demonstrate basic kneading techniques required for successful yeast bread completion. Pizza Final Lab: Day 1 Complete dough and store Bag toppings Work on Final “Written Portion”-Due Thursday

BELL WORK: DAY 19 What size circle is your crust suppose to be, before applying the toppings? How will you make sure that your crust, is this size?

PLAN FOR TODAY... (FB-10) I can utilize effective time management practices to successfully complete labs. (FB-12) I can accomplish varied lab duties required for successful lab completion. Pizza Lab: Day 2 Complete recipe, with toppings Bake and Eat

BELL WORK: DAY 20 List three things you have learned during this five week Foods Unit, in FCS.

PLAN FOR TODAY... (FB-19) I can demonstrate understanding and application of equivalent measures. (FB-8) I can read and interpret basic recipe parts, including abbreviations, terms and cooking techniques. BELL WORK CHECK SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT

BELL WORK: DAY 17 What can you use to form the dough for your individual pizza crust? What should you do if you want a thinner crust dough? How can you use the remaining dough?

PLAN FOR TODAY… (FB-19) I can demonstrate understanding and application of equivalent measures. (FB-6) I can demonstrate a positive work attitude while completing all group activities, in class. Review for Monday’s Summative Assessment Perils at the Picnic Kitchen Math (SMART Board)

BELL WORK: DAY 20 What do you use the “yellow pages” for? Write three things you could look for in the “yellow pages” section of the phone book.

PLAN FOR TODAY... (FB-21) I can demonstrate knowledge required to access resources in my community for wellness. Youth Yellow Pages Activity

BELL WORK: DAY 22 What is Jason’s attitude like at the beginning? How have Red’s gifts impacted Jason, so far?

BELL WORK: DAY 21 Why is it important for a person to be able to access resources within their community?

PLAN FOR TODAY (FB-22) I can understand the value of service learning and the positive impact it has on myself, and those around me. Begin Ultimate Gift

PLAN FOR TODAY... (FB-22) I can understand the value of service learning and the positive impact it has on myself, and those around me. Ultimate Gift

BELL WORK: DAY 23 Why do you think Red has chosen the specific gifts, for Jason, he has been asked to obtain? What do you believe Red wants to see for Jason, in the future?

PLAN FOR TODAY... (FB-22) I can understand the value of service learning and the positive impact it has on myself, and those around me. Ultimate Gift Conclusion