Hermes (Mercury) By Christopher Mueller
Hermes’ Family Son of Zeus and Maia Zeus- ruler of the gods Maia - one of the seven Pleiades sisters and one of the gods of spring
Hermes powers Winged sandals- given from Zeus, after Hermes agreed to be Zeus’ messenger Golden wand- received from Apollo in return for flute. Known as the Caduceus Hermes is also usually depicted with a hat with wings
Hermes God of.. Messenger God- delivered messages from the gods, and could not tell lie. Hermes could not tell a lie after he made an agreement with Zeus to become his messenger Patron of travelers and merchants and thieves Patron of Herdsman Conducts souls between living and afterlife. Also a messenger for Hades
Athletics Hermes was also known as one of the fastest runners and best boxers in Olympus.
Stories with Hermes Apollo and Hermes When Hermes was an infant he stole Apollo’s cattle, and bow and arrow. Hermes also made a lyre out of a tortoise shell.
Stories with Hermes Apollo and Hermes Zeus insisted that Hermes return the cattle and in payment Hermes also gave Apollo a lyre he made. Because Apollo was so happy to receive the lyre he made Hermes the protector of herdsman.
Stories with Hermes Baucis and Philemon Zeus and Hermes went down to earth disguised as travelers to see how kind people were to travelers. Although they were refused by many strangers, a poor couple let them in and provided food and shelter to them.
Stories with Hermes Baucis and Philemon pt. II Because the gods noted how generous the couple was the gods built a temple and placed Baucis and Philemon as priest and priestess of the temple. The gods also granted their wish by allowing hem to die together and the couple transformed into two oak tries entwined.
Stories with Hermes Odyssey In the Odyssey Hermes saves Odyssues from Calypso by convincing her to let Odysseus by threatening wrath of the gods. SearchBox&biw=1024&bih=571&tbm=isch&tbnid=Co00XQFNwY7_EM:&imgrefurl= wAIM&imgurl= 2/stockphotopro_83512MLW_no_title.jpg&w=317&h=400&ei=rYdPUIikBoLi0QGcx4HwDg&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=335&vpy=61&dur=187&hovh=252&hovw=200&tx=119&ty=134&sig= &page=11&tbnh=127&tbnw=101&ndsp=25&ved=1t:429,r:14,s:271,i:296
Hermes protected Priam when he went to the Greek camp to take the body Hector.Once Priam recived the body, Hermes took them back to Troy.