Early Years Business Meeting Spring Term Wednesday, 6 th March 2013 Kathryn Bouchlaghem Louise Meadows Caroline Field Catherine Smith Gail Bales
Core Training Proposed Fees Example: Paediatric First Aid Cost per delegate St Johns Ambulance £114 Nottingham City Early Years Sector Maintained£70£87.50 Private/Independent, including childminders £35£44 Voluntary and Community and Social Enterprises £17.50£22.00
Payment method To enable effective service delivery: Pay by credit or debit card by calling Invoicing by request only and will incur 10% administration charge
EYFS Packages of training in development: Key Worker Skills Covering Prime Areas of Learning Leadership Skills Designed for leaders and aspiring leaders Available from the Summer onwards
Early Years Foundation Stage Profile Assessment at the end of the EYFS To be completed in June of each year but not used for going assessment 17 judgements, one for each Early learning Goal
Judgements for EYFSP Expected level of development Emerging level of development Exceeding level of development
Directory of Providers Re-validation: 2 year old funding Re-validation: 3 year old funding
Funding percentage split Providers fully informed at the beginning of every term the payment & headcount dates Consultation with some city providers Consultation with East Midlands EY Regional Meeting members
Recommendation The funding payments to remain at 50/50 Minimises funding claw back Minimises impact on business cash flow Where possible within each term, narrow the gap between the 2 payment dates Payments reliant on providers meeting set deadline dates Review ongoing
Provider Annual Funding Agreement for 2, 3 & 4 year olds To cover funding terms from 1 st April 2013 – 31 st March 2014 One annual agreement commencing the summer term with a condensed version to be signed in terms autumn & spring To be supported by a local funding guidance taken from the DfE Statutory Guidance (w-in-p, to be in place by September 2013) Providers responsibility to read, sign and return before 20 th March 2013
Early Learning Programme for 2 year olds Parent forms Free School Meal Checker (eligibility) EYSFF 2 year olds April 2013 Cohort