Annual Conversation Review of process in light of restructure of Community Services and Prevention and Demand Management Strategy Working with Commissioning Team and Business Support to ensure all statutory duties are fulfilled
Data Profile will be updated and released November 2012 Reviewing Tools for data analysis Sourcing Training based on feedback received E-start ongoing
Annual Conversation process Financial Returns due 22 nd October – please note late submissions could result in funding not being released SEF and Development Plans to be updated and submitted by 15 th January 2013 E-start reviewed by NCC Meetings will be arranged January and February to review all aspects
Focus on Ofsted readiness Focus on Outcomes including E-start data Cost effective process Support available post Ofsted (Statutory) Reviewing capacity (pre Ofsted) and training opportunities
Free Entitlement for 2 year olds – national updates The Government announced Capital funding for the sector, but DfE not released any further info yet. The DfE require that an Early Years Single Funding Formula (EYSFF) is applied to 2 year old provision from April 2013; the Finance Team are currently working on a model which will go out for consultation. For financial year funding for FE2Y will be via Dedicated Schools Grant – Schools Forum. DfE consultation on ‘Extending Places to more 2 year olds’ from September 2014 now closed. Focus extending eligibility to working families on low incomes and children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities.
Free Entitlement for 2 year olds – local changes – extending eligibility, increasing parental choice = supporting more families New referral guidance and forms issued in September The offer of FE2Y places is no longer restricted to only 197 places countywide. Eligibility criteria now enables Children Centres to refer families with needs at Level 2 or 3 who are allocated and receiving support from a Family Support Worker. The LSE Early Years team are targeting support at Satisfactory Early Years settings to raise quality and expand the number of providers able to deliver FE2Y places. The Wellingborough Trial has been delayed due to the DfE failure to provide us with timely access to the DWP data, a key requirement for the Online Eligibility Checker. Interim arrangements are being developed to enable us to continue with the Trial.