Access Simple Low up-front investment Easy to evolve and iterate Easy adoption One version of the truth Easy to collaborate Powerful analysis Keeps data clean Multiple versions of the truth Hard to collaborate Difficult to analyze Keeping data clean is a chore High up-front investment Hard to evolve and iterate Hard to adopt Virtues Vices
Access 2013 Web Apps Web Applications SharePoint SQL Database
4. Add and edit items 3. Search and filter 2. Choose view 1. Choose table
View and Edit Data Database Design Advanced Reporting & Integration Desktop Access Reports Excel Power View Crystal Reports Custom Websites (.NET, PHP, etc.)
Migrating Access Desktop Database to Access Services
Office 365 Preview Plan Access 2013 Client Access 2013 Database Hosting Home PremiumYesNo ProPlusYesNo Small Business PremiumYes Home PremiumYes
SPC026 Apps for SharePoint in 60s with Access 2013Tuesday 10:30amSouth Seas Ballroom E SPC043 Configuring and Managing Access Services in SharePoint 2013Wednesday 10:30am Mandalay Bay Ballroom G SPC193 Access Databases: Taming the BeastWednesday 1:45pm Lagoon CDIJ SPC071 Building Apps for SharePoint with Access 2013: A deeper diveWednesday 1:45pm South Seas Ballroom E SPC099 Moving Legacy Data/Systems to SharePoint/SQL Azure with Access 2013 (Lotus Notes/MDB/Excel etc…) Thursday 10:30amBanyan ABCD HOL045 Creating a SharePoint App with Access Services: Hands on LabAll times??
SPC010 An overview of developing SharePoint-hosted appsTuesday 1:45pmSouth Seas CDFJI SPC133 Introduction to the Cloud App Model for Office and SharePoint – Part 1 Monday 2:00pmSouth Seas SPC 134 Introduction to the Cloud App Model for Office and SharePoint – Part 2 Monday 3:45pmSouth Seas SPC029 Building auto-hosted apps for SharePointTuesday 1:45pmBanyan ABCD SPC240 Understanding and Maintaining SharePoint Apps for IT Professionals Tuesday 5:00pmMandalay Bay Ballrom H SPC260 What's New in Spreadsheet Management for Office and SharePoint Wednesday 10:30am Islander IED SPC106 Getting Your Apps into the Office and SharePoint StoreThursday 12:00pmSouth Seas E