Black Box
Manage Device Capabilitie s 3 Manage Service Capabiliti es 4 Edit Code 5 Edit & Style UI 6 Build & Run 7 Debug & Diagnose 8 CI & Cloud Build 9 Publish & Manage Test on Devices Highly iterative, not sequential Create Project Adding new features, platforms, capabilities pushes backwards
Black Box
It’s easier than ever to build applications that use Microsoft services. Add a service to your app in Visual Studio Configure your service settings Write code to use the service Azure Active Directory Authentication Office 365 Exchange & Files Azure Mobile Services Auth, Data, & Push Application Insights Analytics
Black Box
Having a friend buy your coffee? Yea, it’s kind of like that. MSDN Subscribers get up to $150/mo in Azure credits. Stop by the Developer Platform and Tools booth and visit the MSDN Subscriptions station to activate your benefits and receive a gift! 3 Steps to New Gear! With Application Insights
Microsoft Engineering Stories Visual Studio Industry Partner Program Visual Studio | Integrate