Psychotic, Yet Still Memorable Presented To You By: Presented To You By: Eric, Eoin, and Artie
At a young age of 17, Nero took the throne, after instigating in the death of Claudius, the former Emperor The youngest Emperor of his time Rise To Power
As Emperor, Nero concentrated on transforming Roman society: Did this by: -Blending cultures of Greek, Oriental, and Egyptian - Invested large sums in building large athletic, theatrical, and bathing infrastructures -Imposed that Senators anoint themselves with oil -Nero invested vast sums in building large Athletics, Theatrical, and Bathing infrastructures Strengths
Often made rulings that pleased the lower class Restrictions were put on the amount of bail and fines fees for lawyers were limited A strong demand was made that patrons should have the right of taking away the freedoms of free men Nero supported the free men and ruled that patrons did not possess that right Policies as an Administrator
Meaning, Golden House in Latin, Nero’s palace was built after most of Rome burnt down Took up 1/3 of Rome’s available living space covered the slopes of the Palatine, Esquiline, and Caelian Consisted of mainly Roman architecture The Domus Aurea
In 64 A.D, the Great Fire, burned down most of most of Rome, as Nero played violin. Although Nero helped victims, he used an unpopular group as a scapegoat, the Christians Great Fire
In 64 AD, the Great Fire ravaged most of Rome. Historians theorize that Nero started the fire, or that he played the violin as Rome burnt to ashes. At the time, Christians were unpopular in the Roman Empire, as were the Jews in Egypt. Nero, using Christians as a scapegoat, blamed them for the inferno that burnt most of Rome to the ground Role in the Great Fire
Rebuilt his palace to take up 1/3 of Rome’s Surface area. He paid very little attention to his Military affairs. This included: -Issues on Rhine, war against the Parthians in Armenia, Boudica’s uprising in Britain which he promptly handed over to his generals. -Persecuted and executed many Christians Weaknesses of Nero
Nero persecuted and executed Christians in a variety of different, yet sadistic, sociopathic, methods: Crucifixion Burned at the stake Fed to beasts/dogs Persecuting Christians
Animations & Sound: Done by, Artie Slides 2-3: Done by Eoin Slides 3-4: Done by Eric Slides 4-5: Done by Artie Slides 6-9: Completed as a team through data collected from each partner Credits