By: Kathryn Huber
Service Learning: Service learning to me is going out into the community and helping out those that are not as fortunate as we are by having fundraisers and helping them out where and when they need us most. Also it is to give back to the community that is constantly giving to you.
My Service Completed: Volunteered at Goodwill in the Career Center. I called people that came in looking for jobs to see how their job search was going. I also worked at relay for life on April 11, 2008 for the Freshman Year Experience tent.
What have I learned? Service Learning is a good way to connect with the community. You get the good sense that you have done something important and worth while to help people who are in need. I personally have not had any bad service learning experiences.
Pros of Service Learning: It gives you a good sense of well being when you give back to the community. It gives you a sense of responsibility when you reach out and help others in need. Teaches you how to work well with others and be apart of the community. Makes you feel good about yourself when you are done, you get a good feeling of accomplishment.
Cons of Service Learning: It is a lot of work and very time consuming. It can be dirty work or even dangerous work.
Goodwill Career Center: At the Goodwill Career Center I was given a stack of papers and was told to call people back to ask how their job search was going. I was to tell them that if they had not found a job yet that they were welcome to come back to Goodwill because they update their Career Board once a week. The only bad part about calling these people was sometimes they were not home, the number was disconnected, or it was a wrong number.
Goodwill Career Center Kaitlin and I at the Goodwill Career Center Kaitlin and I working the phone calling people.
What Relay for Life is: Relay for live is a organization that raises money for the American Cancer Society every year. Their slogan is “Celebrate, Remember, Fight Back”. What you do is create a Relay team and that team walks around the track all night. Someone from you team must be walking at all times. Then you usually have a tent that is set up to help raise money for the American Cancer Society.
Relay For Life: At relay for life I went around the front lawn, going from tent to tent, asking people to come participate in our tent. Out tent was “Tired of Cancer” and we were having a bean bag toss. It was 50 cents to participate. I brought one of the tires used for the tent. Most of the time to get other tents to participate they wanted me to participate in their tent as well. I donated a dollar to the Kappa Delta tent and won a cake at their cake walk.
Relay for Life Continued: I also participated in the kickball tournament that we had at 2 A.M. We did not win but I had a lot of fun playing with the other people from relay for life! My roommate, Hannah, and I also helped Stuart get ready for his beauty pageant, that he should have at least gotten top five in! We brought him a black dress to wear and my roommate Hannah did his make up.
Relay for Life Cont.: My favorite part of relay for life was walking with the survivors. I was very proud to be walking for my grandfather and one of my mom’s really good friends from nursing school. They have both survived and are living strong today.