Naval Nuclear Propulsion Program Workforce Becky Ward Training and Professional Development, Naval Reactors
Naval Nuclear Propulsion Program NUCLEAR POWERED FLEET 82 warships Over 45% of major combatants DEDICATED LABORATORIES Bettis Atomic Power Laboratory Knolls Atomic Power Laboratory GOCOs R&D/TRAINING REACTORS Train ~3,000 students/year SPECIALIZED INDUSTRIAL BASE One dedicated equipment prime contractor – Bechtel Plant Machinery, Inc. About 1,000 suppliers SCHOOLS Nuclear Power School Nuclear Field “A” School ~3,000 students SHIPYARDS 4 Public 8,450 people 2 Private 7,400 people 104 reactors operating worldwide ~40,000 personnel engaged in NNPP work NAVAL REACTORS FACILITY Dry Storage Program Expended Core Facility Report to Director Ensures focus on mission Immediate identification of concerns NAVAL REACTORS Field Offices
Nuclear Enlisted Training Pipeline Recruit Training Command (10 weeks) Nuclear Field A School (13-26 wks depending on rate) Nuclear Power School (6 mos) Nuclear Power Training Unit (6 mos)
Training Pipeline for Nuclear Officers SWO (N) 1. OCS (unless ROTC/USNA) 2. Surface ship Sea Tour - Earn Quals 3. Nuc Power School (24 wks) 4. Nuc Power Training Unit (26 wks) 5. 2 nd Sea Tour – CVN 6. Shore Tour SUB 1. OCS (unless ROTC/USNA) 2. Nuc Power School (24 weeks) 3. Nuc Power Training Unit (26 weeks) 4. Sea Tour – Earn Quals 5. Shore Tour NPS Instructor 1. Officer Development School (5 weeks) 2. Nuclear Power School (24 weeks) 3. Instructor Duty (4 years) NR Engineer 1. Officer Development School (5 weeks) 2. NRHQ (4 mos.) 3. Bettis Reactor Engineering School (6 mos.) 4. Prototype (2 weeks) Shipyard (3 weeks) NRF Idaho (1 week) 5. Staff Assignment - NRHQ (4 years) Unique and intense training requirements for each position
2011 Employment Distribution by Age (NRHQ and Nuclear Industry Comparison)
Workforce Initiatives Accessions Pipeline Retention Initiatives Leadership Development Succession Planning