The Nature Of The Church (Part Three) Seeing the distinction between the individual, collective, and universal as shown in the Scriptures.


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Presentation transcript:

The Nature Of The Church (Part Three) Seeing the distinction between the individual, collective, and universal as shown in the Scriptures.

Introduction What are the Functions, Relationships, and Responsibilities Within the Church Universal? We have seen that individual Christians comprise the church universal. Individuals are added by God upon profession of faith in belief, confession, repentance, and baptism (Acts 2:47; Acts 2:42, Romans 10:9). Its members are only truly known to God and will only be fully manifest on the day of judgment (Romans 2:5-11, 14:10-12).

The Individual In The Universal Church Nevertheless, we ought to have association with those in whom we have confidence that they are in Christ and share in the hope of the resurrection to eternal life (1 John 1:7). The church universal as a collective functions mostly in the abstract at this time. There is no organization of the universal church as there is in the local church. There is no work that is not handled by local churches.

The Individual In The Universal Church The church universal presently exists. God is still adding to it! Throughout the New Testament the work of assembling and functioning as a church is seen primarily in terms of the local churches. On the final day the church universal will assemble in the glory of the resurrection and from then on stand in the presence of God and Christ to do their will (Revelation 21:1-22:6).

The Individual In The Universal Church While it may not have specific collective functions at this time, God certainly expects relationships to exist among the members of the church universal! Acts 11:28-30, Romans 15:22-29, 1 Corinthians 16:1, Philippians 4:15, Colossians 4:16, etc. describe the relationships that existed between Christians and churches in the first century.

The Individual In The Universal Church Whereas each individual local church was not subject to any other local church, they nevertheless would encourage one another and provide benevolence when necessary. Each local church is autonomous. 1 Thessalonians 1:7: Christians knew of Christians in other local churches, i.e. their stand for the faith was known throughout the church. Churches and Christians would provide assistance to those preaching the Gospel in other places to promote the growth of the church universal.

The Individual In The Universal Church Therefore we see that Christians do have relationships with other Christians outside of their local congregation; Local churches can be aware of the example and functioning of other local churches even if they are autonomous toward each other. Therefore, Christians do have responsibilities to other Christians in the church universal.

The Individual In The Universal Church In this light we do well to consider the many "one another“ passages in the New Testament Love one another (John 13:34, 15:12, 17, 1 Thessalonians 4:9, 2 Thessalonians 1:3, 1 Peter 1:22, 1 John 3:11, 23, 4:7, 11, 12, 2 John 1:5) Serve one another (John 13:14, 1 Peter 5:5) In honor prefer one another (Romans 12:10)

The Individual In The Universal Church Edify/build up one another (Romans 14:19, 1 Thessalonians 5:11) Receive one another (Romans 15:7) Teach and admonish one another (Romans 15:14, Colossians 3:16) Salute one another (Romans 16:16, 1 Corinthians 16:20, 2 Corinthians 13:12, 1 Peter 5:14) Bear one another's burdens (Galatians 6:2)

The Individual In The Universal Church Forbear/forgive one another (Ephesians 4:2, Colossians 3:13) Comfort one another (1 Thessalonians 4:18) Exhort one another (1 Thessalonians 5:11, Hebrews 3:13, 10:25) Consider how to provoke one another to love and good works (Hebrews 10:24)

The Individual In The Universal Church To this we could add pray for one another (1 Thessalonians 5:17-18, 1 Timothy 2:1-4, 1 Peter 5:8-9) Likewise, to do good to one another, provide assistance in times of need (Galatians 6:10) Remember there are over 70 passages that described the “one another” relationship we have with other Christians.

The Individual In The Universal Church Yet what about the responsibilities of the Christian to his or her local church? We do well to again recognize that passages regarding the church and our relationships with "one another" are not explicitly delineated between "local church" and "church universal“ in the Scriptures. Passages like 1 Corinthians 12:12-27 sound as if Paul speaks primarily of the church universal although it is functionally accomplished most often in the local church!

The Individual In The Universal Church We would do well to think of our responsibilities in terms of priority and proximity! A Christian should first look to the local church to fulfill their responsibilities to their fellow Christians, to love, serve, forgive, exhort, comfort one another, etc. One's fellow members of a local congregation should take first priority since they are the ones closest to you and with whom you functionally work together more often and in more concrete, evident ways.

The Individual In The Universal Church From there we ought to consider those who are not fellow members of a local church but who are fellow members of the church universal in terms of proximity, either spatial (members of churches in nearby communities) or in relationship (family members, friends, Christians with whom you used to assemble, etc.) Yet, as we have opportunity, we should consider how to accomplish our responsibilities to one another as fellow members of the church universal.

The Individual In The Universal Church Through the Internet, particularly through social media, we are able to maintain strong communication with Christians around the country and the world. That association should not take the place of the local church, nor should we prioritize our digital association over our face-to-face association in the local church.

The Individual In The Universal Church Nevertheless, the opportunity to encourage and edify, as well as be encouraged and edified by, brethren around the country and the world is great, and something worth considering! We do well to remember that as we seek to accomplish our responsibilities to "one another," as others do the same, we will be loved, served, encouraged, edified, forgiven, etc., In the same way as we love, serve, encourage, and edify!

Conclusion (Part Three) We have considered individual Christians and the church universal. The church universal is headed by Christ, built on the Apostles and prophets, and comprised of individual Christians from Pentecost until the final day. Its members are to strive to love, serve, encourage, and edify one another as they have knowledge and opportunity! Let us serve the Lord Jesus to the honor and glory of God as individual Christians and toward one another as members of the church universal. Invitation