URBAN AND NATURAL ENVIRONMENT CONSULTANTS European Commission 6 th Framework Programme for research and Technological Development Optimisation For Sustainable Water Management : OPTIMA Presented by: Charalambos Panayiotou Environmental Scientist, MSc Manager Atlantis Cosulting ltd KICK – OFF MEETING _ Cyprus Case Study Presentation
URBAN AND NATURAL ENVIRONMENT CONSULTANTS European Commission 6 th Framework Programme for research and Technological Development Optimisation For Sustainable Water Management : OPTIMA Social Setting - Land Use and Population - Water management practices - Water management Environmental and Social Issues Physical Setting - Hydrology and Water balance - Geology - Flora and Fauna SCOPE OF ANALYSIS
URBAN AND NATURAL ENVIRONMENT CONSULTANTS European Commission 6 th Framework Programme for research and Technological Development Optimisation For Sustainable Water Management : OPTIMA DIARIZOS VALLEY – GENERAL SETTING
URBAN AND NATURAL ENVIRONMENT CONSULTANTS European Commission 6 th Framework Programme for research and Technological Development Optimisation For Sustainable Water Management : OPTIMA DHIARIZOS RIVER WATERSHED GEOLOGICAL COVER IGNEOUS ROCKS 43% ( All are upstream of Arminou Dam ) MAMONIA (MELANGE) 13% CHALKS 19% CHALKS AND MARLS 24% ALLUVIUM 1%
URBAN AND NATURAL ENVIRONMENT CONSULTANTS European Commission 6 th Framework Programme for research and Technological Development Optimisation For Sustainable Water Management : OPTIMA DIARIZOS CATCHMENT AREA
URBAN AND NATURAL ENVIRONMENT CONSULTANTS European Commission 6 th Framework Programme for research and Technological Development Optimisation For Sustainable Water Management : OPTIMA DIARIZOS VALLEY – SCEMATIC OVERVIEW Arminou Dam. Capacity 4.6 MCM Diversion to Kouris Dam. 15 MCM/YR Diversion to Irrigation. 2 MCM/YR Dhiarizos River Dhiarizos River Gravel Aquifer. Area: 9 km² Water reserves: 15 MCM Number of wells: About 60. Wield : m³/hr Kouklia Weir Filousa Weir Sea
URBAN AND NATURAL ENVIRONMENT CONSULTANTS European Commission 6 th Framework Programme for research and Technological Development Optimisation For Sustainable Water Management : OPTIMA DIARIZOS CASE STUDY - Available information Mean Daily stream flow 1965/66 to 2000 for Filousa stream gauging weir Mean Daily stream flow 1965/66 to 2000 for Kouklia stream gauging weir Mean Daily inflow to Arminou Dam Daily diversion to Kouris Dam Diversions outside the watershed Abstractions from aquifer Monthly and 6_monthly water level measurements Standard chemical analyses for ground and surface waters Population and population trends Land use Animal husbandry :limited to domestic needs
URBAN AND NATURAL ENVIRONMENT CONSULTANTS European Commission 6 th Framework Programme for research and Technological Development Optimisation For Sustainable Water Management : OPTIMA Number of communities in the watershed: communities downstream of Arminou Dam and 10 communities upstream Total Population: 5000 persons, Mostly farmers Cultivated crops in the watershed:DECARS (1000 m2) Citrus: 880 Deciduous : 1460 Olives: 250 Vines: 130 Fodder: 80 Potatoes: 30 Vegetables: 30 TOTAL 2860 DIARIZOS VALLEY – LANDUSE
URBAN AND NATURAL ENVIRONMENT CONSULTANTS European Commission 6 th Framework Programme for research and Technological Development Optimisation For Sustainable Water Management : OPTIMA DHIARIZOS RIVER WATERSHED WATER BALANCE Dhiarizos Watershed Area up to Filousa stream gauging weir: - Total catchment area: 125 km² - Precipitation: 795 mm - Evaporation: 635 mm ( 80% ) - Mean Annual Runoff ( ) : 21 Million m³(MCM) or 170mm - Median Annual Runoff ( ) : 18.7 Million m³(MCM) or 150mm - Arminou Dam capacity 4.6 MCM - Diversion to Kourris Dam : MCM/YR - Controlled releases to river aquifer: 1 MCM/YR - Spills : MCM/YR
URBAN AND NATURAL ENVIRONMENT CONSULTANTS European Commission 6 th Framework Programme for research and Technological Development Optimisation For Sustainable Water Management : OPTIMA Dhiarizos Watershed Area up to Kouklia stream gauging weir: - Total area: 260 km² - Precipitation: 680 mm - Mean Annual Runoff ( ) : 25 Million m³ (MCM) or 96mm - Median Annual Runoff ( ) : 19.3 Million m³ (MCM) or 75mm DHIARIZOS RIVER WATERSHED WATER BALANCE
URBAN AND NATURAL ENVIRONMENT CONSULTANTS European Commission 6 th Framework Programme for research and Technological Development Optimisation For Sustainable Water Management : OPTIMA DHIARIZOS RIVER GRAVEL AQUIFER WATER BALANCE (1992 – 2002 average figures) Aquifer Area: 9 km² Precipitation : 480 mm Evaporation : 420 mm (88%) Aquifer capacity : 15 MCM Number of pumping wells : about 60 Yield per well : m³/hour
URBAN AND NATURAL ENVIRONMENT CONSULTANTS European Commission 6 th Framework Programme for research and Technological Development Optimisation For Sustainable Water Management : OPTIMA AQUIFER AVERAGE YEARLY BALANCE Recharge from direct precipitation: 0.6 MCM Recharge from stream flow: 6.0 to 6.5 MCM Dam releases: 1 MCM Return flow from irrigation: 0.4 MCM Sea Intrusion: 0.1 MCM TOTAL INPUT 8.1 to 8.6 MCM Abstraction for irrigation: 6.0 MCM Abstraction for domestic supplies: 1.0 MCM Outflow to the sea: 1.6 MCM TOTAL OUTPUT 8.6 MCM In cases of surplus runoff an amount of up to 3.0 MCM can be diverted for irrigation outside the Watershed. There is an over pumping of about 0.5 million m³/year on the average therefore groundwater levels are falling.
URBAN AND NATURAL ENVIRONMENT CONSULTANTS European Commission 6 th Framework Programme for research and Technological Development Optimisation For Sustainable Water Management : OPTIMA DHIARIZOS RIVER WATERSHED - Environmental stresses - Nitrates from Agricultural practices. - Groundwater and Surface water pollution from private septic tanks and absorption pits. (There are no sewage treatment plants at present) - Uncontrolled damping of solid wastes. (There are no controlled solid wastes sites in the area) - Recent road construction works have intruded in the river bed.
URBAN AND NATURAL ENVIRONMENT CONSULTANTS European Commission 6 th Framework Programme for research and Technological Development Optimisation For Sustainable Water Management : OPTIMA DHIARIZOS RIVER WATERSHED - ISSUES - Future needs for water in the watershed is estimated to be 12 MCM by the year There are additional 4000 decars of good agricultural land that can be irrigated but isn’t due to lack of interest from farmers. - There are no integrated rural development plans for the watershed. - There are no watershed management plans. - Pressure to expand the irrigation projects in order to increase land value
URBAN AND NATURAL ENVIRONMENT CONSULTANTS European Commission 6 th Framework Programme for research and Technological Development Optimisation For Sustainable Water Management : OPTIMA GENERAL WATER POLICY ISSUES - The Island plan, especially with regard to the construction of dams was based on rainfall data from before Water pricing is not based on cost recovery –Desalination cost ~ 50 – 60 CP / toN –Residential water price =.335 CP / ton –Agricultural water price =.062 CP
URBAN AND NATURAL ENVIRONMENT CONSULTANTS European Commission 6 th Framework Programme for research and Technological Development Optimisation For Sustainable Water Management : OPTIMA STAKEHOLDERS
URBAN AND NATURAL ENVIRONMENT CONSULTANTS European Commission 6 th Framework Programme for research and Technological Development Optimisation For Sustainable Water Management : OPTIMA STAKEHOLDERS
URBAN AND NATURAL ENVIRONMENT CONSULTANTS European Commission 6 th Framework Programme for research and Technological Development Optimisation For Sustainable Water Management : OPTIMA STAKEHOLDERS
URBAN AND NATURAL ENVIRONMENT CONSULTANTS European Commission 6 th Framework Programme for research and Technological Development Optimisation For Sustainable Water Management : OPTIMA DIARIZOS VALLEY TOPOGRAPHIC MAP