Myriam, Salwa, Viktoria 8C ZINC
ZINC FACTS Zn Atomic # 30 Atomic weight Silver-gray Group number 12 Period 4 Reacts to alkalis and acids. Zinc smudges in air
DISCOVERY German scientist Andreas Margraf discovered the element in 1746 in Germany
Zink is usually linked with other base metals such as copper and lead. Zinc is a chalcophile, meaning the element has a low kinship for oxides and desires to connect with sulphides. Halophiles formed as the crust solidified under the decreasing circumstances of the first Earth's atmosphere.
The largest amounts of Zinc are found in Australia, Asia, and the United States. The element was named by the alchemist Paracel after the German word Zinke which means “Tin”. -Without Zinc, our sense of taste and smell are reduced and our appetites often decrease. -The element is normally found in association with other base metals such as copper and lead in oreas. Zinc is a chalcophile, meaning the element has a low affinity for oxides and prefers to bond with sulfides
Zinc: The word Zinc is German. Zinc is a metallic chemical element. It’s the first element in group 12 of the periodic table. Zinc makes up about 75 ppm (0.0025%) of the earth’s crust. The key functions of zinc are: - Contributes to the production of one of the body’s most important antioxidant chemicals and is associated with having an anti-inflammatory effect. -Component of DNA and RNA -Involved in the production of energy in the body. It is important for good health. -Involved in the control of hormone levels and balance.
MORE FACTS Transition metal / post-transition metal Solid Melting point C Boiling Point 907C Hexagonal structure Diamagnetic Found in nature combined with other elements. Main ores of zinc are sphalerite (sulphide)
USES AND COST Cost, pure: $5.30 per 100g Cost, bulk: $0.18 per 100g Zinc metal is used in the common dry-cell batteries To make blends such as brass/bronze. In the manufacture of paints, cosmetics, plastics, electronic devices, and many other products. Found in nature combined with other elements as ores. The main ores of zinc are sphalerite (sulfide). Zinc is used in zinc- carbon batteries as a container and electrode.
In some countries such as the US Zinc is used to make money. It is used in shampoos, toothpastes, baby powders, make up and sunscreens. Zinc is mixed with copper to create Brass. It is also used in the rubber industry, concrete manufacturing and in paints. 50% of zinc is used for Galvanization which is an anti- corrosive agent for other metal products. It is widely used to protect from UV radiation. MORE USES
REFERENCES: s/zinc.html s/zinc.html 3. /zinc.html (2012) accessed on the 23 rd of September 2012 “Zinc” /zinc.html