ETL Storage & Transport Logistic Info: ETL European ETL Spain 2002 S.L. - ETL Hungary Kft.
ETL The Company Establishment of the branch office LOGSPED, Cologne (member of the AGIV, Fft) Sale of the LOGSPED. Group by AGIV. Fft Purchase of 20 % shares of the subsidiary in Cologne and Spain by Mr. Hansmann and 80 % shares by Sengelmann company (member of the Oetker Group). Establishment of E.T.L. GmbH & Co. KG with a capital stock of , DM Foundation of a plant in Mönchengladbach Purchase of remaining 80 % shares by Mr. Hansmann. From this time on company was managed by the owner Extension of the branch in Mönchengladbach Establishment of ETL European, ETL Spain 2002 S.L. in Llansa /Gerona(Spain) as an independent company with a main focus on logistic activities Establishment of “ETL European, ETL Spain 2002, S.L. Germany” in Mönchengladbach Launch of a printing plant in the branch in Mönchengladbach, including an own production for advertising materials. Extension of international transport activities Launch of an ETL European and ETL Spain 2002, S.L. agency in Moscow Launch of an ETL European and ETL Spain 2002, S.L. agency in Paris Sale of the company E.T.L. GmbH & Co. KG Increase of the focal activities: logistical services, international transports by ETL European and ETL Spain 2002 S.L Launch of new companie’s agency in Prague Czech Republic Launch of new companie’s agency in Mosonmagyaróvár / Hungaria Launch of the logistic headquarter in Cologne Establishing of ETL European and ETL Spain 2002, S.L. representative office in St. Petersburg (Russia). Launch of the new companie´s agency in Katowice (Poland). Increase of transport activities in East Europe Next companie’s warehouse in E-Figueras/Gerona Establishment of ETL Hungary Kft. In Mosonmagyaróvár Closure of logistics warehouse in H - Hegyeshalom and opening of logistics center in H - Kimle ETL European ETL Spain 2002 S.L. - ETL Hungary Kft.
ETL Services 1 : ETL European is a medium-sized carrier and logistic company which operates internationally and is managed by its owner. Its branches are located in D-Köln, D-Mönchengladbach, E-Palafrugell (Gerona), F-Paris, PL-Katowice, H-Mosonmagyaróvár,H-Kimle, CZ-Prag, RUS-Moscow, and RUS-St. Petersburg. Apart from west and east European transports, the company has recently specialised in storage logistic. For example, the Mönchengladbach warehouse has about 5500 m² at its disposal, the Cologne warehouse m², the Palafrugell warehouse m² and the Hegyeshalom warehouse – m². In all warehouses trucks can be loaded and unloaded by using the ramps whether from the ground level. ETL European ETL Spain 2002 S.L. - ETL Hungary Kft.
ETL Our major customer´s ranges are food and petfood production, telecommunication, as well as household article´s production. We could arrange also new business contacts with considerable enterprises inside the central European countries. Further we run a production and printing plant. The details you will receive this presentation later on. ETL European ETL Spain 2002 S.L. - ETL Hungary Kft.
ETL Serivce 2 : Competition Advantage: Medium-Sized: > fast decisions, efficiently, and promptly > lower overhead costs > high flexibility High independence: > maximal service standard > also maximal flexibility (for every business the best suitable partner will be selected. Several Major Customers with Different Market Segments > using of synergy effects > higher transport volume, fair calculations, fair prices > wide range of partners > own branches all around Europe ETL European ETL Spain 2002 S.L. - ETL Hungary Kft.
ETL Suggestions for Process Optimisation International Networking IT / Communication > Availabity of individual solutions for all customers > recent, multi-redundant communication and storage solutions included in the basic package > Beyond that the possibilities of the integration exist, if necessary, draft more individually (also real-time), customized solutions. > Service / Performance optimizated Databases (also WebEDI) Most modern possibilites of communication are available Due the use of innovative technologies on heterogen platforms (Linux / Novell, Windows) has reached a level of nearly 100 % high availability. Gladly, our EDP department supplies you with further information: ETL European ETL Spain 2002 S.L. - ETL Hungary Kft.
Branches ETL European ETL Spain 2002 S.L. Branch Deutschland D - M.-Gladbach ETL European ETL Spain 2002 S.L. Branch Deutschland D - Cologne ETL European ETL Spain 2002 S.L. PL – Katowice Representative Office ETL European ETL Spain 2002 S.L. H - Mosonmagyaróvár ETL European ETL Spain 2002 S.L. F – Rungis Representative office ETL European ETL Spain 2002 S.L. CZ – Praha Representative office ETL European ETL Spain 2002 S.L. RUS– St. Petersburg Representative office ETL ETL European ETL Spain 2002 S.L. RUS– Moscow Representative office ETL European ETL Hungary Kft. Branch H - Kimle ETL European ETL Spain 2002 S.L. - ETL Hungary Kft. ETL European ETL Spain 2002 S.L. E Llanca/Figueras ETL European ETL Hungary Logisztikai Kft. H 9200 Mosonmagyaróvár
Key operations of the branches ETL Storage logistics Picking Co- packing Production other logistical services (issue of delivery notes/accounts, creation /EAN code) Distribution international transports ETL European ETL Spain 2002 S.L. - ETL Hungary Kft.
Europe – Russia – Transport-operations Give us a call – we speak your native language - ETL European Tel – 221 – – 0 Fax 0049 – – 55 ETL ETL European ETL Spain 2002 S.L. - ETL Hungary Kft.
Freight center Moscow - Russia vice - versa Europe Freight center > Unloading > Storage > Customs > Distribution > Neutral distribution We answer your questions under : ETL ETL European ETL Spain 2002 S.L. - ETL Hungary Kft.
Europa – Transport-operations vice – versa from all European industrial centres. ETL ETL European ETL Spain 2002 S.L. - ETL Hungary Kft.
Your partner for road-, air- & seacargo ETL ETL European ETL Spain 2002 S.L. - ETL Hungary Kft.
ETL Storage logistics and distribution ETL Hungary Kft. ProLogis Park, HRSZ:1073/1 H 9222 Hegyeshalom ETL European ETL Spain 2002 S.L. - ETL Hungary Kft. Optimale Verkehrsanbindung Bratislava 30 km Budapest 150 km Wien 60 km