Literary Devices in Music By: S.A., M.R., A.H., and S.L.
Simile My God’s not dead He’s surely alive He’s living on the inside Roaring like lion God’s not dead He’s surely alive He’s living on the inside Roaring like a lion
Citation “God’s Not Dead” By: Newsboys
Simile at 1:28
Proof We know this is a simile because it is comparing God to a lion using the word like. VCAWPQsjljBdf_US70YAhRiyyVUnDQ1jhm4tSOFdY-I
We think this is effective because it helps us imagine how mighty and strong God is. gqLIShT5bWsX2pggo4dkHHQ
I think the songwriter was trying to tell us how God is alive and will always be alive. We think the songwriter is also trying to tell us how God is stronger than anybody and anything.
Personification They say You’re the King of everything The One to who taught the wind to sing The Source of the rhythm my heart keeps beating
Citation “Write Your Story” By: Francesca Battistelli /
Proof I know its personification because its giving the wind human characteristics by saying the wind is singing. ZZIOthXEYnkeMxv0GQHQZc4-
We think it is effective because it helps us imagine how God created everything.
I think the songwriter was trying to tell us how God can do anything even if it seems impossible. PwvjJdv_oOMyMmthTfTZQ
Metaphor Your name is a strong and mighty tower Your name is a shelter like no other Your name, let the nations sing it louder 'Cause nothing has the power to save But Your Name
“Your Name” By: Paul Baloche tutorials/
Metaphor at 0:37 seconds
Proof I know this is a metaphor because it compares “your name” (God’s name implied) to a strong and mighty tower and a shelter without using like or as.
It’s effective because it helps us imagine how mighty and powerful God’s name is.
I think the song writer is trying to tell us that God is a shield and He is protecting us like a strong and mighty tower. time/
Idiom oh oh yeah If my eyes light up when I say your name and it’s written all over my face Tell me does it make me crazy well maybe I’ve got something I can't explain and the beauty of it never changes Its got me wrapped up I’m all caught up I can’t help but say
“God Girl” By: Jamie Grace
I know its an idiom because your eyes don't literally light up and it’s not really written on your face. Proof studies/
When it’s written all over your face it means that the expression on someone’s face is showing their true feelings. When your eyes light up it means that someone gets happy or excited to see something. x2ngoI821WiolpO_Hb0nLuA
We think it is effective because it explains how happy she is to see Jesus. l
I think the song writer is trying to say how happy she will be when she goes to be in heaven to see Jesus. 5a ab-f56d1f8d6259.jpg
Thank you for watching! believe/