ESTEC A Unique and Successful Partnership Energy Systems Technology and Education Center
What makes ESTEC unique? Public-private partnership Curriculum driven by energy industry Market sector approach Hands-on learning in 12,000 sq. foot laboratory that mimics worksites Students learn industrial practices including safety
Why an energy education partnership? Eastern Idaho is an identified energy corridor Our biggest economic engine is science & technology The INL has a mission to…… ISU has a mission to ….. P4P has a mission to reduce poverty by building assets and creating opportunity for low income people The creation of ESTEC was win-win for all partners!
P4P’s Role as Operating Partner Outreach Recruitment Retention Diversity Identify barriers & gaps for low income and minority populations Develop programs & processes to meet needs
Mission to reduce poverty by building assets and creating opportunities for low income people 501c3 organization with public charity status Serving Idaho 10 years of asset building experience Who is P4P?
Asset Building: Energy Workforce Development
ESTEC Programs Energy Systems Electrical Engineering Technology Energy Systems Instrumentation and Automation Engineering Technology Energy Systems Instrumentation and Control Engineering Technology Energy Systems Mechanical Engineering Technology Energy Systems Nuclear Operations Technology Energy Systems Renewable Energy Technology Energy Systems Wind Engineering Technology
Priming the Pipeline
Semester long pre-ESTEC program Intense math prep Group and personal counseling Academic and Life skills Meets students where they are not where we want them to be
Quick Wins: STEP 5 students in first cohort Improvement in all COMPASS scores 1 Student already completed and passed COMPASS well above entrance requirements
Partnering is necessary! Working with the students where they are….not where you want them to be is the KEY! Lessons Learned: STEP
Current Enrollment Total Students19090% capacity Males % Females % Race/Ethnicity Identified14175% Caucasian12689% Hispanic of any Race118% American Indian32% Asian11% Race/Ethnicity NOT Identified4925%
Results to Date 109 graduates from 2009 to % employed in their field of training Others pursuing higher education or working in similar fields Average salary of $50,000 to $70,000 Of the 40 graduates in May 2012, 10 had jobs prior to or at graduation; gathering data on others
I think the most important thing is recognizing that the partnering organizations goals do not have to be the same just similar to be effective. Think of the Olympic symbol of overlapping circles… as long as there is a common ground somewhere inside the overlap where both organizations can see their needs not just being met but aligning with the other partners needs being met, well then good things can happen. Every organization/person has an internal question that says “what about me” and acknowledging that in the beginning makes for much stronger partnerships.
For More Information Chris Guthrie Community Development Specialist 625 W. Pacific, Suite 1 Blackfoot, ID