Videoconference Room Design & Support Requests for videoconference room upgrades or design come thru VCC (S. Cisko), who then submits work requests into the DCI queue. DCI engineers the installation or upgrade, possibly with outside vendors/contractors. Currently have three active and a few lurking in the wings requests for Videoconference room design and support. Biggest challenges faced when dealing with room environment – existing HVAC systems followed by exterior glass windows.
CDF CDF Theater conference room VC upgrade project. We have established a weekly timeslot to chip away on upgrading the videoconference gear. We plan to shortly have a meeting to determine an estimate of the costs that will be presented to CDF for their approval. Dealing with various problems related to room design…
D0 D0 requested assistance in improving the audio in their farside conference room. They contacted an outside contractor to provide some rental gear. We also loaned them some gear for ~2 months. Biggest problem is the air handling equipment noise. We cannot throw gear at the problem unless the HVAC noise is addressed ($$$). Another VC conference room request in DAB is on hold due to funding.
CMS CMS project office (WH6W) is upgrading their old picturetel system with a new polycom. Purchase requisitions have been submitted for new gear. DCI has contacted Farnsworth to mount cables and gear. We have also heard rumblings from various CMS personnel about buying a polycom to locate at CERN. Unclear as to why we (FNAL) would buy it rather than CMS buying it in CERN.
DoE Area Office Request from DoE area office to FNAL directorate to co-fund upgrades to the WH6E conference room. In return for the co-funding, the DoE area office would allow the WH6E conference room to be used by FNAL when not needed by DoE. Have not heard anything on this recently.
Other Lurking Projects WH8X - We consulted with PPD and FESS for WH8X videoconference room, but project is on hold due to (lack of) funding $$$. Most onsite rooms need to be upgraded either with audio and/or video upgrades. Thinking about out how to scale / deploy H.323 gatekeeper(s) for FNAL – for now ESnet is running a combined H.323 gatekeeper and ISDN gateway service which won’t scale.