Special Education Full vs. Partial Inclusion
My Research Question What is more beneficial to special education students; full or partial inclusion?
What is partial inclusion? Inclusion is the placement of special education students in general education classrooms for part of the day. For the remainder of the day, students attend resource rooms. Inclusion is the placement of special education students in general education classrooms for part of the day. For the remainder of the day, students attend resource rooms.
What is full inclusion? Full inclusion is the placement of special education students in general education classrooms for the entire day. Any extra needed support is brought to the student Full inclusion is the placement of special education students in general education classrooms for the entire day. Any extra needed support is brought to the student
Research Process In order to collect data I used the following methods/tools: In order to collect data I used the following methods/tools: Interviews and questionnaires with special education teachers Interviews and questionnaires with special education teachers Websites describing full and partial inclusion Websites describing full and partial inclusion Questionnaires given to special ed. students Questionnaires given to special ed. students district wide guide to special education district wide guide to special education
Data Analysis After collecting the data, I After collecting the data, I First grouped my information by themes (i.e. pros for each group and cons for each group). First grouped my information by themes (i.e. pros for each group and cons for each group). Then looked for themes throughout my data such as the majority of people or information leaning toward one rather than the other. Then looked for themes throughout my data such as the majority of people or information leaning toward one rather than the other.
What I found… Background Information Before 1975, students with special needs remained separated from regular education students in order to receive special assistance.Before 1975, students with special needs remained separated from regular education students in order to receive special assistance. In 1975, the “Education of All Handicapped Children Act” was passed and was later renamed the “Individuals with Disabilities Education Act” or (IDEA) In 1975, the “Education of All Handicapped Children Act” was passed and was later renamed the “Individuals with Disabilities Education Act” or (IDEA) The law states that all students with disabilities are to receive an education in the least restrictive environmentThe law states that all students with disabilities are to receive an education in the least restrictive environment
What I found… Definitions: Definitions: Least restrictive environment: The environment most like that of a student in general education so that a student with special needs can succeed. Least restrictive environment: The environment most like that of a student in general education so that a student with special needs can succeed. Student with disabilities: Any student (defined by the federal government) with autism, deaf-blindness, deafness, hearing impairment, mental retardation, multiple disabilities, orthopedic impairment, other health impairment, serious emotional disturbance, special learning disability, speech or language impairment, traumatic brain injury, and visual impairment. Student with disabilities: Any student (defined by the federal government) with autism, deaf-blindness, deafness, hearing impairment, mental retardation, multiple disabilities, orthopedic impairment, other health impairment, serious emotional disturbance, special learning disability, speech or language impairment, traumatic brain injury, and visual impairment.
What I found… YearPercentage 80 or more of day in of day in79-40 reg. classroom Less than 40 Not in a reg. school Percentage distribution of students with disabilities ages 6-21 served by Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, by placement in educational environment: Selected years, to
What I found… Special Education teachers at Williamston High School think: Special Education teachers at Williamston High School think: When students with special needs are pulled from general ed. classes, they miss essential information that special education teachers do not necessarily know. When students with special needs are pulled from general ed. classes, they miss essential information that special education teachers do not necessarily know. For the most part, students’ behavior is tremendously better in general ed. classes than in resource rooms. For the most part, students’ behavior is tremendously better in general ed. classes than in resource rooms. The special education program should be bigger but due to the small population, some high-risk students have to go to Okemos or other nearby districts. The special education program should be bigger but due to the small population, some high-risk students have to go to Okemos or other nearby districts.
What I found… Special Ed. Students: Special Ed. Students: Like being in general ed. classes for most of the day. They feel more challenged and “normal.” Like being in general ed. classes for most of the day. They feel more challenged and “normal.” Also like being in special ed. classes for the subjects they struggle in. It makes them feel more successful all around. Also like being in special ed. classes for the subjects they struggle in. It makes them feel more successful all around. Would not like to have an aide with them in a full inclusive classroom. It would draw too much attention and would embarrass them. Would not like to have an aide with them in a full inclusive classroom. It would draw too much attention and would embarrass them.
What I think… From what I have observed, I feel that partial inclusion is the most beneficial for special education students. From what I have observed, I feel that partial inclusion is the most beneficial for special education students. An aide in a classroom is too embarrassing and labels a child as “special” An aide in a classroom is too embarrassing and labels a child as “special” Students can be in general ed. classes for most of the day and then be in special ed. for certain classes. In general they feel more successful and comfortable knowing they have people behind them helping them succeed. Students can be in general ed. classes for most of the day and then be in special ed. for certain classes. In general they feel more successful and comfortable knowing they have people behind them helping them succeed.
What I learned… How special education works at my school How special education works at my school Mostly partial inclusion takes place. Students will partake in general ed. classes for most of the day and then go to a resource room (no more than 3 hours a day) for help on the material. Mostly partial inclusion takes place. Students will partake in general ed. classes for most of the day and then go to a resource room (no more than 3 hours a day) for help on the material. Special Education varies greatly in different schools. Special Education varies greatly in different schools. I should have been paying attention long ago to how special education works in my school in order to understand better where students are coming from. I should have been paying attention long ago to how special education works in my school in order to understand better where students are coming from.
What I learned Implications for the foreign language classroom: Implications for the foreign language classroom: Find out students’ histories at beginning of year Find out students’ histories at beginning of year Know what needs to be done in order to accommodate them Know what needs to be done in order to accommodate them Communicate with special education teachers frequently to aide to success of students Communicate with special education teachers frequently to aide to success of students Find out what types of learners the special education students are (through a survey or test given to the entire class) and plan lessons accordingly Find out what types of learners the special education students are (through a survey or test given to the entire class) and plan lessons accordingly Keep in mind that not every student is going to understand material right away—so cover material in a slower, more thorough fashion. Keep in mind that not every student is going to understand material right away—so cover material in a slower, more thorough fashion.
Sources (source: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics 2005) (source: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics 2005) Wisconsin Education Association Council Wisconsin Education Association Council d.htm d.htm d.htm d.htm Ingham Intermediate School District Guide to Special Education, 2004 Ingham Intermediate School District Guide to Special Education, 2004