by Anousheh
He was an English physician and scientist who was the pioneer of “Smallpox vaccine”. Smallpox was a deadly disease which had wiped out a huge number of people from the earth. Edward Jenner called smallpox “The speckled monster”.
He was born on 17 th May 1749 in Berkeley in Gloucestershire. His father was a vicar who died when Edward Jenner was only five year old, hence he was looked after by his mother brothers and sisters. He was a lucky kid to be able to go to school when he turned eight, as not many kids got the chance to go to school.
He was interested in observing and studying nature. After becoming a doctor he went back to Berkeley to practise medicine. Edward Jenner wanted be a doctor and for that he went to London to study medicine. He also liked to play flute and violin in his free time. He died on 26 th January 1823.
Working in an agricultural community Jenner knew about the country folklore that milkmaids never caught smallpox.However, they caught cowpox through their close contact with cows. Jenner speculated about a bout of cowpox producing immunity against smallpox. He also met few locals who claimed to have deliberately infected themselves to immune themselves.As a forward thinking doctor Jenner wanted to prove this theory and decided to experiment with cowpox.
For his experiment he asked a dairymaid Sarah Nelmes to help.Sarah had had cowpox from a cow named Blossom.Jenner took a little cowpox pus from sores on her arm. Then he made a small cut on the skin of eight year old boy James Phipps and smeared the pus into it. This was the first vaccination. James caught cowpox. Eight weeks later Jenner gave James a small dose of smallpox by inoculation. But James was fine and did not get smallpox. The vaccine had worked.
Next he repeated the experiment on his baby and other kids,all were fine. His vaccine was working. This way a cure to prevent a deadly disease
People made fun of Edward Jenner. A cartoon showed people with cow's head after vaccine. Jenner found the fossil of a giant prehistoric sea reptile. Horns of blossom the cow are in a museum. Royal Navy sailors were first among the first people vaccinated. He coined the world “vaccine” which means “ cow “ in Latin.