[INSERT COMPANY NAME] Protecting Against Data Breach YOU ARE THE FIRST LINE OF DEFENSE Copyright 2010 Jackson Lewis LLP This sample training powerpoint provides general information regarding its subject and explicitly may not be construed as providing any individualized advice concerning particular circumstances. Persons needing advice concerning particular circumstances must consult counsel concerning those circumstances.
What is a Data Breach: [Define “Data Breach” in your state] NOTE TO EMPLOYER: THE DEFINITION UTILIZED HERE MAY NEED TO BE MODIFIED TO INCLUDE MEDICAL INFORMATION AS PROTECTED BY HIPAA. Copyright 2010 Jackson Lewis LLP This sample training powerpoint provides general information regarding its subject and explicitly may not be construed as providing any individualized advice concerning particular circumstances. Persons needing advice concerning particular circumstances must consult counsel concerning those circumstances.
What To Do If You Learn of a Potential Data Breach: Immediately upon learning of a potential data breach, you must notify [INSERT APPLICABLE COMPANY CONTACT,IDEALLY THE COMPANY’S PRIVACY OFFICER]. Additionally, please be aware that your assistance will be critical in allowing the Company to provide a timely and effective response to such a breach. Copyright 2010 Jackson Lewis LLP This sample training powerpoint provides general information regarding its subject and explicitly may not be construed as providing any individualized advice concerning particular circumstances. Persons needing advice concerning particular circumstances must consult counsel concerning those circumstances.
How To Avoid A Data Breach: [DISCUSS THE VARIOUS STEPS YOUR EMPLOYEES CAN TAKE TO AVOID A POTENTIAL DATA BREACH. FOR EXAMPLE: STRENGTH OF NETWORK PASSWORDS, ENCRYPTING PORTABLE DEVICES, LOCKING OF WORKSTATION, LOCKING OF FILING CABINETS, ENSURING PROTECTED INFORMATION IS NOT LEFT ON ONES’ DESK OR IN COMMON AREAS, ETC.] NOTE TO EMPLOYER: IT IS IMPORTANT TO HIGHTLIGHT THAT THE EMPLOYEES ACTIONS WILL BE THE COMPANY’S FIRST LINE OF DEFENSE TO ANY DATA BREACH. Copyright 2010 Jackson Lewis LLP This sample training powerpoint provides general information regarding its subject and explicitly may not be construed as providing any individualized advice concerning particular circumstances. Persons needing advice concerning particular circumstances must consult counsel concerning those circumstances.