70 Authors Tell Their Stories
Bullying affects thousands of many different young people “More than 75 percent of students are subjected to harassment by a bully or cyberbully and experience physical, psychological, and/ or emotional abuse(pg 3).” “On a monthly average 282,000 students are physically attacked by a bully(pg 3).” “A child commits suicide as a direct result of being bullied once every half hour, with 19,000 bullied children attempting to commit suicide over the cource of the year(pg 5).”
To show you how many people are affected by bullying, 70 famous authors explain how bullying has affected their lives….
Physical Bullying Direct Bullying Indirect Bullying Cyber Bullying
In middle school, Laurie was the victim of direct and physical bullying. The physical bullying was the big issue for Laurie, though. Her bully would push her from behind, shove her into the street at the bus stop, pulling her hair, and tugging at her clothes. It became such a problem that she took self defense classes. She remembers tears streaming down her cheeks and seeing her bully laughing, wondering how anyone could be so mean.
During middle school and high school, Megan did not have much of a problem with bullying. Megan started getting bullied in college. She had issues with indirect bullying and cyber bullying and people spreading rumors about her. Her roommate spread so many rumors about her for the sole purpose of ruining her reputation. It worked. Megan began smoking, drinking and cutting herself. She rarely ever left her room. 15 years later Megan looks back at this as a scar of survival, but she has a family and a daughter now. So she prays that her daughter doesn’t have to go through what she did.
Steven was a scrawny little kid throughout his childhood and was always the one getting picked on. His bully was named Kevin, he would always steal his lunch and hit him and tease him. Steven was too afraid to stand up for himself. As Steven grew up, he grew out of being the little scrawny kid and learned how to stand up to his bullies. After being bullied all the time as a child, he believes that everything that happened to him made him who he is today.
After learning about a few of the authors bullying stories, it shows that many people experience bullying every day. But all these people were strong and grew past their days of getting bullied. All of them today believe that it made them who they are today and have a positive outlook on it. This just proves to all the bullying victims that you can get through it, never give up on yourself. All of these people are people to look up to if you are a victim of bullying.
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