Information needs of farmers in Sogakope, Ghana Inputs – seed, fertilizers and pesticides Support services – extension, research, credit and marketing Pest control Post harvest technologies
Information needs Inputs – information on where to purchase the inputs, their prices and their correct usage. Saves them from wasting too much time and resources trying to locate sources of inputs. Also saves them form misuse of inputs. Time saved from searches can be used in other productive activities. Obtaining inputs on time results in carrying out operations on time and hence increase yields and higher incomes.
Information needs – support services Improved technologies – results in higher and increased income. Credit - where and how to acquire credit to carry out his farming operations more successfully Marketing – when, where and how to sell his products for maximum profits
Information - Pests and diseases control Helps farmers to identify symptoms of pests and diseases attacks and to manage and control them
Information sources Extension services Mass media – radio, television Tradenet – a mobile to mobile network for market prices on various commodities Peers
Difficulties in information access Low extension farmer ratio Low attention to agricultural programmes on radio stations Tradenet – it was launched so it is still in its infancy; low awareness of its existence; most small farmers do not have mobile phones But Tradenet has potential to improve small farmers access to market information owing to the growing availability and affordability of mobile phones.
Approach used to resolve difficulties Formation of groups of vegetable farmers so that farmers can share information on inputs and their correct usage, correct agronomic and post harvest practices. Use of DVD connected to my TV sets mainly in the evenings to show programmes to members of the group.
Topics discussed Nursery practices and establishment Transplanting and crop management Harvesting and post harvest management Survey for markets Approach has disadvantage of convergence of farmers in my house as I cannot move my TV and the table top computer from my house
Suggestions to improve approach Approach can be improved if sponsors of workshop can provide me with the following Lap top computer Digital camera Pen drive and CDs With these items I can show films at everywhere i.e. in farms and classrooms I can also capture some best practices on some farms which I can later on show to other farmers
The Way Forward – Creation of an Electronic Database Farmers in my community belong to the Vegetable Producers and Exporters Association of Ghana (VEPEAG) that exports vegetables (i.e. okro, pepper and garden eggs). Currently, each member has completed a registration form. We intend to create an electronic database that will provide easy access to information on each member. This will enable the Association can more easily assess their needs, for example on inputs requirements, and help them find solutions to them. It will also improve information sharing among members across the country to enhance the effectiveness of the Association. We request sponsors of this workshop to assist us with funds to implement this database project.