How to locate Authoritative Statistics on Ghana IRO Steve Perry, U.S. Embassy, Accra FEB 2012
The UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND LIBRARIES HAS A WEBLIOGRAPHY OF ALL PERTINENT STATISTICS: Here are other resources as well: The Human Development Report: (Data on a variety of quality of life variables (e.g., access to health care, life expectancy, education) are provided. Data are arranged to ease comparisons between developing and industrialized nations, and North and South. The online version allows viewing by country or statistical category, and can be downloaded as an Excel or PDF file.
U.N. Social Indicators: (United Nations Data collected from a variety of sources. Includes statistics on: Childbearing, Education, Health, Housing, Human settlements, Literacy, Income and economic activity, Population, Unemployment, Water supply and sanitation, and Youth and elderly populations.) U.N. Statistical Yearbook: (Statistical data for more than 270 countries/territories on population, labor, agriculture, forestry, fishing, industry, mining, manufacturing, transportation, communication, tourism, finance, energy, wages and prices, and more.)ttp:// NOTE: The U.N. Statistical Yearbook is updated by the Monthly Bulletin of Statistics Online
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