PilJae Park 2/23/2007 Slide 1 Transmit/Receive (T/R) Switch Topology Comparison Series-series Topology Series-shunt Topology High impedance block In Tx mode High power handling capability is required Leakage to Rx path is bottleneck of power handling High impedance block in the Rx path is required in series-shunt topology
PilJae Park 2/23/2007 Slide 2 Proposed T/R Switch Series topology for Tx path, series/shunt LC tank for Rx path For Tx mode, V C is high and L 1, C 1 forms parallel LC resonance tank For Rx mode, V C is low and L 1, C 2 forms series LC resonance tank Tx path has small area and high Power handling capability Low IL input matching network can be absorbed into T/R switch In Triple Well
PilJae Park 2/23/2007 Slide 3 Triple well MOS switch Inductive body bias MOS switch [2] Proposed Floating Triple Well Tx Switch Advantages Twin well MOS switch Floating Triple well provides isolation to substrate Prevent power loss through the substrate Smaller area, wider bandwidth compared to the LC-tuned body bias technique
PilJae Park 2/23/2007 Slide 4 Floating Triple well MOS Tx Switch Body Impedance Floating wells has better substrate isolation than LC tank Effective substrate impedance of high-Q LC tank is still less than 2 k Smaller area and wider bandwidth
PilJae Park 2/23/2007 Slide 5 Low IL Matching between T/R Switch and LNA Rx path of switch incorporates the LNA input matching network to achieve lower IL and noise figure Rx path IL of conventional T/R switch = IL of switch + IL of matching network
PilJae Park 2/23/2007 Slide 6 T/R Switch Design Tx switch design for low IL and high isolation Rx path design consideration with inductor Q Simulation results of Tx and Rx path Tx path of T/R siwth Rx path of T/R siwth
PilJae Park 2/23/2007 Slide 7 Tx Switch Equivalent Circuit Model Triple well NMOS equivalent circuit model Triple well NMOS cross-section view
PilJae Park 2/23/2007 Slide 8 Insertion loss of Tx Switch IL of on Tx switch is a function of R on and Z j IL [dB] 1.0 dB 1.5 dB 2.0 dB 0.5 dB
PilJae Park 2/23/2007 Slide 9 Isolation Plot of Tx Switch 15 dB 20 dB 25 dB 30 dB 35 dB Isolation of off Tx switch is a function of C’ sd and Z j
PilJae Park 2/23/2007 Slide 10 Tx Switch Transistor Sizing Tradeoff Tradeoff between IL and isolation width ↑, IL ↓ and width ↓, isolation ↑ Green dotted line indicates transistor width meeting isolation Blue line points out transistor width satisfying IL specification IL < 1 dB Isolation > 15 dB
PilJae Park 2/23/2007 Slide 11 Insertion Loss of Rx Path in the T/R Switch L1 : 5nH, C1 : 950fF M1: 100u/120n High Q inductor is desirable for lower receive IL IL is about 0.5 dB when Q is 10
PilJae Park 2/23/2007 Slide 12 Isolation of between Tx Signal to Tx Path in the T/R Switch L1 : 5nH, C1 : 950fF M1: 100u/120n High Q inductor is desirable for high isolation Isolation is about 17 dB when Q is equal to 10
PilJae Park 2/23/2007 Slide 13 Tx Path P1dB Simulation Results of T/R Switch All switches are on in Tx mode P in at Tx port P out at Ant port for Tx mode P 1dB simulation 31 dBm of P 1dB is achieved
PilJae Park 2/23/2007 Slide 14 Rx Matching Simulation Results of T/R Switch Matching between Ant and Rx is >20 dB at 2.3 GHz
PilJae Park 2/23/2007 Slide 15 Insertion Loss of T/R switch Tx IL = 0.9 dB at 2.3 GHz Rx IL = 1.3 dB at 2.3 GHz
PilJae Park 2/23/2007 Slide 16 Isolation Simulation Results Tx port to Rx port isolation >23 dB at 2.3 GHz
PilJae Park 2/23/2007 Slide 17 T/R Switch Layout 8-metal, 1-poly UMC 130-nm technology Area of 500 μm x 500 μm including test pads core 230 μm x180 μm 500 μm
PilJae Park 2/23/2007 Slide 18 Performance Summary Our design achieves the highest P 1dB with comparable IL and isolation
PilJae Park 2/23/2007 Slide 19 References [1] “A 5GHz 108Mb/s 2x2 MIMO Transceiver with Fully Integrated +16dBm PAs in 90nm CMOS”, Palaskas, Y et al, Solid-State Circuits, 2006 IEEE International Conference, Feb. 6-9, 2006 Page(s): [2] “Integrated CMOS transmit-receive switch using LC-tuned substrate bias for 2.4-GHz and 5.2-GHz applications”, Talwalkar, N.A. et al, EEE Journal of Solid-state circuit, Volume 39, Issue 6, June [3] “21.5-dBm power-handling 5-GHz transmit/receive CMOS switch realized by voltage division effect of stacked transistor configuration with depletion-layer-extended transistors (DETs)”, Ohnakado, T. et al, Solid-State Circuits, IEEE Journal of Volume 39, Issue 4, April 2004 Page(s):577 – 584 [4]Mei-Chao Yeh; Zuo-Min Tsai; Ren-Chieh Liu; Lin, K.-Y.; Ying-Tang Chang; Huei Wang; “Design and analysis for a miniature CMOS SPDT switch using body-floating technique to improve power performance” Microwave Theory and Techniques, IEEE Transactions on Volume 54, Issue 1, Jan Page(s): [5] Single-pole double-throw CMOS switches for 900-MHz and 2.4-GHz applications on p- silicon substrates, Heng-Jung Huang; O, K.K.; Solid-State Circuits, IEEE Journal of,Volume 39, Issue 1, Jan Page(s):35 – 41 [6] 15-GHz fully integrated nMOS switches in a 0.13um CMOS process, Zhenbiao Li; O, K.K.; Solid-State Circuits, IEEE Journal of Volume 40, Issue 11, Nov Page(s):